Aug 29, 2005 23:15
this has been.. the best summer. ever. plus.
i am on jv volleyball. im happy with that. a
big improvement from last year. plus im go
nna play either middle blocker or left hitter!
! yesss i love spiking!! raaaaawwwr! yeah.
tonight. was wonderful. enough said. i lov
e you all. ahh. *butterflies* there is one las
t day of summer. i kinda am glad school is
starting though. this week is still going to
feel like summer though. i have a party th
ursday night to go to, troy's morp on frida
y, party saturday night, kaileys sunday-mo
nday, and going to see a static lullaby on
monday night. im super excited. oh yes, a
nd i might go to ontario mills mall saturday
(with val maybe?) and get a bunch of scho
ol clothes. thats always fun. i need someth
ing to do tomorrow before 2 though. i want
someone to come over.. i just dunno who l
ol. oh man. this year is going to be the best
year eveer. sexy sophomores. hell yes. and
i get my permit in october!! yes. oh and me
and kailey are going to see fall out boy on h
alloween. anyone else is welocme to come.
but we sure as hell arent paying for your sh
it so buy ur own ticket. jk. but really. oh ma
n. im getting braces on in the end of septme
ber. cool i guess. i dont care really. i sorta w
anted them. well.. i havent listened to armor
for sleep for a long time besides right now.
oh em gee. i cant wait to get wasted!! haha
tatum. yesss. i like writing in livejournal. it
s super fun. and passes the time. i dont eve
n care if anyone reads it although that woul
d be nice. by the way. i put my writing on po and i won an award haha. crazy eh?
i think so. the one that won sucked so bad h
aha. but anyways the cool part is it is copyri
ghted. haha i think thats just like the coolest
thing ever. but.. i havent written anything in
a long time. i guess its because i always wrot
e about all the bad crap in my life. you know
all the emotional stuff. but everything has be
en going really good in my life right now. i ju
st cant get into that writing mode. but it cant
last forever. im no good at happy endings.