Feb 18, 2007 13:04
dear god! i love the band and all but these people on their livejournal are making up little pet names and are being way to excited over the fact brendon is single...or they are just being bitchs like "how could you not know he's single i've known for months, idiot."
so please if you are a crazy fan who lurks on their myspace,or livejournal or whatever please do me and the world a favor and jump off a fucking roof top! in all seriousness the chances of you EVER meeting the guys is 1 in 371897549816517865716 so please quit calling yourselves mrs. ross or mrs. urie its not gonna happen! end of story and if you do meet them and talk to them they way you do on LJ they will run screaming because you are a god damn crazy person!
the end. please die now....