"In the book, co-authored by Aryeh K. Weinberg and Jenna Ferer, Tobin provides several examples of anti-Israel machinations deep within academia, including:
• Robert Johnson, a widely respected history professor at the City University of New York, was denied tenure for “uncollegial behavior” following disagreements with fellow faculty members over his personal pro-Israel views.
• DePaul University professor Thomas Klocek was dismissed without a hearing after pro-Palestinian activists claimed he told them that “most Muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslim.” After dismissing Klocek, Tobin notes that DePaul subsequently invited Colorado University professor Ward Churchill, who infamously referred to victims of the World Trade Center attacks as “little Eichmanns,” to lecture at the university."
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http://www.jta.org/page_view_story.asp?intarticleid=16077&intcategoryid=5 Honestly, its stuff like this that makes me mad. People argue and get angry because Israel is country that supposedly "takes away freedoms" yet they won't allow professors to make their case or have freedom of speech.