
May 07, 2012 01:14

I assure you, I do live, Livejournal friends. If you follow me on Twitter, you know I'm alive with all the fangirling and general life going on over there. Mostly fangirling tho.

Uhm... I've rapidly forgotten why I've started this post. Bullet point time!

-I'm still working the same shit job with a slight bump in position to HEAD cashier. All I get is keys and to tell people what to do. Oh and I get to be at work at 5am to open the store sometimes. Whoot! /not really I didn't get a raise or anything despite the more stress and getting NO breaks. The things you do to make your resume look better, I swear. I'm slowly getting into the teaching thing. So many loops to jump through and my current employer is not helping.

-I've been randomly crushing on a few non-Asians lately. IDGI. It's been so long since I've even thought a non-Asian celebrity is attractive. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?

Chris Hemsworth: aka Thor, aka the Huntsman, aka Australian, enough said

Joseph Gordon-Levitt: great actor, could literally act in anything imo and be flawless

Ty Burell: BEST DAD IN THE WORLD at least on TV

-SAW THE AVENGERS AND S:JFSJLGHDUBHDOYHEBDEYE If you even sort of like superhero movies in anyway, this one will BLOW your mind. Plus, look at all the man candy in this movie: Mark Ruffalo (whom I've always loved on since I can't remember), Robert Downey JR. (who know one can hate), Chris Evans (all American baby!), and Chris Hemsworth (who has been mentioned above). The Hulk honestly made this movie for me and Mark Ruffalo can totally renew the franchise if given the opportunity. He gave a quiet humanity to Bruce Banner that didn't just focus on his rage like past incarnations have. I'm totally sort of shipping Banner/Natasha. FOR REAL. The tension was THERE. /most likely totally imagined
Did my nails in honor of the big man!

-POINT OF THIS POST IS RIGHT HERE: I'M GOING TO JAPAN. Flying out on Sunday and will be there Monday at 4:30pm Japan Time. I'm seriously dreading the length of this flight. I could barely sit still in the movie theater seat. PLEASE let the airplane seats be slightly more comfy. Husband wants me to wear a nice outfit, like a dress, so we can possibly be upgraded to better seats. What? WHY? I want to wear yoga pants and be comfortable. Darn it. I'm in a conundrum. Comfort in outfit or possible comfort in a nicer seat?

-Anyone in Japan around here? I'll be in Tokyo for 10 days. We're going to Mt. Fuji for one day, but other than that we'll be in the city the whole time just exploring.

Uhm... I think I'm done for now... I should REALLY be working on my fanfic. I feel like it's not going to make it in time for the contest at all. :( Don't hate me wildlotus2006 and nicefinalbeam!

flail, rabu, fangirl, japan, 2012

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