Aug 04, 2011 20:49

It's J month and I thought to pay homage to him with my header and I must say he looks delicious!

Also, married life is great! I'm having so much! I'm broker than I've ever been and while I do mind, I don't mind so much. :D

So there is a mild point to this post b/c I'm tired right now and my feet are killing me from so much work. This link should work for the public at least it does according to Facebook:


You're welcome! There are a lot pictures and if you look through all of them, then I commend you! ♥ I would also like to take this moment to thank all of you whoe congratulated me that day. Even if it was Nino!day! :DDDDDD YATTA!

How are all of you doing? I've missed many of you and much of my f-list is on hiatus.

life, 2011, weddings are happy things right?, love

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