... when things come out just as you envisioned them? I'm amazing with a glue gun I've found. LOL Here is my birdcage for my wedding that guests can place their cards in.
I'm soooo happy that I could work in the cranes onto this cage. I was really wondering how I was going to do that!
The flowers are white dahlias and I LOVE dahlias.
Also those are my awesome photoshop skills on that "cards" sign. XDD I can use a text editor and brush tool! AMAZING! /sarcasm
I'm iffy on the limp bow on the top of this thing. I'll consult my mother when I show it to her and we'll decide if it stays or goes. Thoughts?
Less than six weeks until I'm a married woman! Phew. It's fast approaching. > . < I really am getting excited. People keep asking if I'm nervous, but I'm really not. I'm super happy!
Started zumba today and boy does that stuff make you sweat! Dear Lord. But it wasn't a "OMG I'M GOING TO DIE"-tired that I got from Cardio Tae Bo. Cardio is not a good idea for anyone who is just starting to get back into exercising. I want to go on a jog some day this week. We'll see tho. That would require venturing out of doors. x.X
Glee is on tonight!! WHEE~~!!! That was a random outburst wasn't it? IDK. I've been fangirling that the most lately, b/c Arashi has been so quiet. :/ I miss my boys. Which is prolly why I've been randomly watching DnA episodes. The good old days. I may or may not come back soon with my pro (according to me) pics of the cherry blossoms I took while in D.C. For now, I have some art to finish up for tomorrow's ACAD post. Busy busy bee!