Oops I did it again!

Nov 11, 2010 00:03

So... I caught up on downloading scans finally and after seeing Dramatic TV Life... well.... new header was a must! LOOK AT IT! Please try not to leave bloodstains all over my lj. XD

all4cyanide all4cyanide all4cyanide all4cyanide

WHOOT! First official day off of school tomorrow. However, I have so much stuff to do that I really should NOT be typing this right now or spending my evening hopped on coffee in order to watch TV shows. I've watched last night's Glee and Monday night's Gossip Girl so far. All I have left is Freeter. Save the best for last, ne? XDDDDD

UGH. I only have 16 days left of this nightmare. CAN'T WAIT.

Just leaving this here.

image Click to view

OH YES. BTW.... that Nino news on aramatheydidnt is the BEST THING TO HAPPEN THIS WEEK. Just saying. With lines like, "When he’s having sex, even after he comes from a blow job, he’ll still stick it in.." WHO CAN'T LOVE THIS ARTICLE? *DYING LAUGHING* Oh man and we thought Sho had stamina. XDD

Didn't see it? Join the fun!

ninomiya kazunari, life, warnings are necessary sometimes, 2010

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