To the most beautiful master of fail...

Jan 24, 2010 12:42


Words can not express the joy I feel from just watching you do what you do. People talk about the biggest gap between seeing you on the news and yourself in variety shows, but I call that VERSATILITY! Yes. It is my opinion that you are one of the most talented people in JE and there will never be another like you! ♥

Okay... enough of my rambling. On to the goods, right??? With the completion of Sho's bday party, I have now held a party for every member of Arashi!!! *throws confetti* This party was epic fail! Which is perfect for our dear, Sho-chan, ne?

My best friend's house is once again the designated location of the party. Well what's one the menu this time?

WTH is that, you ask? Hehehe...the beginnings of the most delicious pizza I've ever eaten! Why pizza? B/c Sho said he likes it. Don't believe me? Look at my proof! (LOL @ Ohno's face)

Anyway, since my best friend just so happens to descend from Italians, she has the cooking skills of Chef Boyardee proportions (minus the hat)!

Hands in the dough! Sadly no awesome air tossing action. :(

Crust construction!

We told Sho to stay out of the kitchen b/c God knows the boy only causes chaos in there... but he snuck in anyway!

Butter/garlic/secret crap I wasn't quite paying attention to go onto the crust!

Homemade tomato sauce created from fresh tomatoes and tomato paste! Plus, once again, a bunch of ingredients I didn't pay attention to...

CHEESE MEEEEEEEEEEE~~~! Cheese is my def. favorite part of a pizza and we slathered it on!

Next is the pepperoni! Can you make out how we did it? Sho's initials!

While that was being prepared, I swear I wasn't just sitting around doing nothing. I was making the cake and what is the best cake for our Red Sho!Ranger?

This cake is seriously magical... it comes out of the bag like this:

And with the added ingredients it turns into this bloody mess!

Sho seems not to be bothered by this as he gives an "I approve" face.

BAKING BAKING BAKING! Time for obligatory shots with the birthday boy! Excuse our ugly mugs... we were just too excited!

I got a bit carried least I didn't use his An-An shoot! EGADS. That'd reek of desperation!

DING! Baking is is the pizza!! Looks frickin' delicious doesn't it? Yah.

CAKE! Sho was excited too!

Now...cake theme.... I always have a good one right? But what do you do for someone with no hobbies and no real mascots (minus Yatterman) to his name? I seriously considered this for weeks. You can ask my friends... I was seriously lost. But then this came to me and it was far TOO PERFECT. LOOK.

Is that a chicken?

Erm...that's obscene...but is it a rhino?

This crocodile looks far from vicious...

And right in the middle of the cake...what else but the most epic of epic Sho drawings?!

No Sho drawing is complete without the fish cake sun right?


Birthday setup!

Candles lit!

Ready, Sho-kun?


We ended with our feast of all feasts and all I could hear while devouring it was "Maximum Umai" being whispered in my ear.

I unfortunately could NOT get Sho in the hot tub this time b/c the circuit tripped on the hot tub and it got super cold. :/ So... for Nino's bday, it'll be a double header! HEHEHEHE! Sakumiya in the hot tub. *drools*

Hope everyone enjoys their Sho-day!!!!!!! ^___________________^

birthday, sakurai sho

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