I'll eat your babies

Mar 16, 2006 15:00

So in my lovable white trash fiasco i call Philosophy of Love and Sex, there has been essentially been a 2 day group therapy session that has been driving me absolutely crazy. so today someone asked the question, "Is there such a thing as Perfect Love?"

I immediately say no. but dont feel like backing it up because i already knew what i was going to say. Before i disclose what i was going to say, let me remind you that this is a class that is about 85% girls, and around 10 of them are hardcore FemiNazi types. Also there are a few, like 2, nice girls in there that i may want to get to know some day and dont want them to know what a complete dick i am just yet. So anyways, i was about to say how the closest thing to perfect love is a mans love for a sawsall, or a womans love for the vaccum. but instead i let them carry on with their conversation of how there are no perfect beings, and my relationship is like this, and once i stuck one of those up my pussy, and my religion says this. I should have just turned it into a battle royal against me. damn me being such a pussy in need of some vagisil. all i needed was a little back up, and it was no where to be found in that room.
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