Temporary Alternative!

Oct 16, 2011 17:46

Will be using my mom's pc until they find out exactly what's wrong with my router and if it will have to be repaired or not. Hopefully this resolves itself quickly ><

On a completely unrelated note....According to TV Tropes, Leon and Kain Highwind had a lovechild and he appears in FFXIII-2!

How, one may ask? Well, first off he's going to be voiced by Kain's VA from Duodecim. Second, one character designer said that his appearance had been inspired by Leon...Ergo, they had a lovechild! XD

Admittedly I blame the trailers for this but I already want to ship Caius and Lightning as a foe yay ship. That bad?

fangirling, xiii-2, kain highwind, interderp, lightning, caius, final fantasy, leon, videogames

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