Where Mokuba Kaiba is a Troll

Apr 25, 2013 16:02

JW%: "Make it so." Seto told Chekov, dismissing him. Then he called up Mokuba to make alternative plans.

AlkonostStorm: Mokuba looked up from the mods he was programming into the Capsule Monsters game to answer the phone. "Yeah, Seto?"

JW%: "Mokuba, remember the old days?" Seto almost purred with the thought of mayhem. "We saved all those... less than safety committee-approved gear, right?"

AlkonostStorm: "...You mean that time when you thought you looked cool with Pistachio-green hair and gold eye contacts?"

JW%: Seto took several moments of silence. "Yes Mokuba. That time. No, I'm not dying my hair, or putting contacts in."

AlkonostStorm: "I still don't know what possessed you to go for that shade of green." Pause. "Yeah, they should still be around. Especially since a lot of money went into some of that gear; you didn't want it thrown away because it'd be a waste."

JW%: "I was trying for blonde!" Seto snapped and then regained his composure. "Anyway, you're aware of the issue with the MacDowan Corp." Mokuba probably wasn't. "That they're attempting to block Kaiba land's development for reasons that appear petty and spiteful. We might have to show them we can play at their level too."

seto kaiba, characters, yu-gi-oh, lol, rp, mokuba kaiba

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