Super Mini Post Amalgamation Yet Again

Jan 21, 2010 23:29

I got metaquoteeed~ I'd like to thank my family and my friends, and my grandparents for dying and giving me cause to write the post which was metaquoted...

Yesterday, I fully expected to go rock climbing with DAMMIT ANDRE (for that is now his name) after school, but I also expected to do schooly things, so I brought some rock climbing gear and a textbook or two with me to school, adding about 20 pounds to my carting load. But then rock climbing didn't happen because DAMMIT ANDRE doesn't get his ~special discount~ until evenings. One would not expect DAMMIT ANDRE to have money worries, but alas. Then again, I'm kind of glad it didn't happen now. Those extra 20 pounds for a day... My knees aren't killing me, but they're mounting a dreadful offensive and consulting my femurs about a possible coup against my central nervous system.

Why do laundry detergent companies put concentrated detergent in smaller jugs instead of selling jugs of the same size at twice the price?

As I imparted to my family, and as anyone who passes by the Hill knows, some guy's retirement plan appears to consist entirely of sitting in a lawn chair on Parliament Hill with a bunch of pictures of dead babies all around him. I'm almost - almost - tempted to go up and talk to him someday.

I have a new lifelong goal to donate blood at least 100 times. As long as I don't faint again, I can do it by the time I'm 40.


The Sims community is eating whatever school poops out, so I HAVE NONE LEFT.

Best blog. OF ALL TIME. One of the few things on the Internet that has made me laugh continuously for a good 15 minutes.

weirdo, win, babies, random, irl

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