Dice Random Legacy 5.4

Jul 26, 2014 10:20

Oh no! Broken images!! I tried something new with my image hosting and it clearly didn't work. Sorry! I'll fix this, but in the meantime, the images are all fine and dandy and visible over on my Simblr!

1.0 - 1.1 - 1.2
2.0 - 2.1 - 2.2 - 2.3
3.0 - 3.1 - 3.2 - 3.3 - 3.4
4.0 - 4.1 - 4.2 - 4.3
5.0 - 5.1 - 5.2 - 5.3

Okay, I've got an excuse not to reach critical posting mass after this update: it's the last one of the generation and I need your help choosing an heir! In aid of that, here's what happened in the last post:
Jurek cheated death via a flower. Victor helped him fix up the house, then disappeared for a day. Jurek tutored/interrogated Victor's BFF/crush, Ellen, to no avail. Victor reappeared and was immediately yelled at, though little sister Grace was quick to console him. Victor broke up with his boyfriend, Pawel. Simon, the youngest, hit puberty and immediately went about wrecking shit. Victor and Grace, after plotting mischievously, broke apart Ellen and boyfriend Tad to take each for themselves. All the kids except Simon (who preferred starting a fight) had a nice, happy, romantic prom.

And the little sweeties are still a little groggy after their exciting night~
Victor: Not me. Marisol's pit stank is waking me right up.
Marisol: Eat a wet baguette, Vicky.
Simon: nnh *faceplate*
I miss that. I wish Sims still did that in TS3.

Jurek: 'time to work out!' Selfie~
Victor: Dad, could you at least go burn every scrap of dignity you have somewhere else? Where we can't see you? You're gonna make Lex choke on her waffles.

Ah, this would be one of the attendees of DramaFest 2014. Ellen's entire family hates Grace now lol
Grace: Ahem. Despite the fact that SHE started hitting on Victor LONG before I smooched her boyfriend? Ugh.

Behold: the 1%'s idea of a "small" inheritance. o_o

N'aww. Sweet, uncoordinated bbs.

Victor's looking appropriately smug for someone who gets heralded into adulthood. He even gets A CAKE omg.

Victor: My head feels... cold. Did someone leave the door open?

I got him back to looking like his adorable self in no time. All good.

Ellen grew up the day before, so Victor's first adult act is to ask her to shack up.

Ellen: Sure! I mean, I'm just moving across the street. I don't know if my mom'll even notice.

I made her over, but as you can see, the lovebirds' priorities kept me from getting a good shot of it.
Grace: You're welcome, Vicky.

I accepted this, but the kids didn't roll any party wants for once.

I did manage to get a really nice pic of Ellen, though!

Victor: Marisol, that was ONE FUCKING TIME
Marisol: Really? You still smell, though...

Another snuggly house picture~

Now also featuring Sir Wiggles U FEELTHY ANIMAL
Sir Wiggles: I'm like a sponge! I'm helping them clean up the puddle!

u groce

This is Demario, Marisol's prom date. I approve of his pinchable cheeks and elf ears.

And Marisol approves of his ~kissable lips~.

Marisol: You're pretty cool. Wanna be officially cool together? I mean, I don't really give any fucks, but you might.

Demario: Aw, you gave a fuck that I might give a fuck! That's so sweet of you.
Marisol: No, I -
Demario: Shh. Yes. I would love to be officially cool with you.

Deal: sealed.

Demario: Officially cool~ suck it~ *strut*

The grownups return!

And fall right back into business as usual.

If you're wondering where the younger teens are most of the time, well, here you go. Grace is in that seat reading a book for, like, 4 hours every day. It's cute. I'd like to think Simon keeps near-constant track of the latest TV drama for Jurek, because the only interaction he tries is to talk to Jurek about TV.

Victor: *tries to cackle evilly* *voice cracks and sounds adorable instead*

Dammit, glitchy pregmorphs. Just take my word for it that there's a new generation on the way.

Victor: Hear that, Sir Wiggles? I'm gonna be a dad!
Sir Wiggles: Prrrrt?
Victor: Aww, of course I'll still love and snuggle you. How could I not, when your sheer fuzziness is devouring my hands?
Sir Wiggles: Mrrwl. (Yeah, that same fuzziness is also absorbing your BO. Unhand me.)

Jurek: Future grandpa selfieeee!
I can totally see Jurek, after loathing everything about parenthood, getting bopped on the head by the Grandpa Fairy and suddenly turning into a proud, doting papá.
Ellen: Wait where the fuck do I put my hands

Ellen: Hey, Martha! Did you see my selfie with Jurek Dice?? omg. Well, yeah, I'm kind of dating his son and living with them now, so I no longer need, like, money. I'm quitting my job. Bye. *boop*

These adorable fuckers, srsly.

Victor: Really, Grace? Really? Busting the shower?
Grace: Nah, it's not busted. It's on constant stream.
Victor: But... how.

If it took them this long to catch on, I'm not exactly worried about their feelings.

Especially with all the outdoors sexing.

Jurek grew old!
Simon: Yaaay oldness!
Jurek: Oh what the fuck is my back jesus murphy

Jurek and Grace: Birthday? Okay. :)
Victor: *blows a GIANT RASPBERRY*
Alexa: Yeah, fuck you, too.


Also purdy. And a giant hipster because I feel like my game doesn't have enough giant hipsters.

Jurek: I am Pierre Lapouf and welcomme to ze SimNation's Frainchest Chef! Hon hon!
Never change, you giant douchey dork. Or do, because it's time to move on to... the next generation! I need some help picking an heir, so please take a few seconds to pick your favourite over at the poll!

48 .PNGs, a .JPG and two .GIFs. Swearing, sexual innuendo (including teen), kitties.

i roll a d6

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