Suppletree Hills BACC: Chapter 2

Mar 20, 2011 16:26

~ Chapter 1 ~

Where were we? Oh yeah - Tash kicked Charlie out for boffing a townie and Jasmine and Basil went with him. There's their new pinky digs.

And there's the paperboy, very desperate to get in on this. Congrats on the exposure. Sorry about the laws of space and time.

Basil: You expand my vocabulary every day, sis  <3
Jasmine grew up, yes! She's got a lot of her dad's looks, Knowledge as an aspiration and a lifetime wish to be a Game Designer.

Charlie: *scores major Mother Theresa points*

Charlie's got a cooking show! Alas, he does not have a tiger-striped hat or Adonis DNA.

So with all of that cash, I ensured that a spot in the Gamer career would be open for Jasmine and that the family wouldn't bottom out on Fun just because of the shitty TV.

But look who has a salon and her very first customer! Who never actually got a makeover for some reason. Her Buy meter would fill up, but she'd just wander off to look out the window.

For those just joining us, the Sim on the right is Aida Hill. She's got a wife and three kids at home.

So here's the first makeover victim!
Aida: Um, this is my first time, so, uh, hope you like how it turns out!
Srs Business Lady: My business is very srs. If I don't end up looking srs, you lose your business.
Aida: O...kay?

Aida: So, hoooow's this?
SBL: Oh my god it's the best thing ever!!
Aida: Glad you like.
SBL: Seriously, thank you, you're my hero!!!! All my srs friends will love you!!!!!!!!
Aida: Sweet, np. NEXT
Exclamation marks: *breed exponentially*

And just as she was beginning the walk home... Witchified!

And she even had enough money from her first day of business to build herself a little witchy lair. She makes such an adorable witch stylist everything!

The cute is becoming DEADLY. True love!

Annabelle: But what if she turns us into frogs or something?! That's happened, you know!
Valerie: Hooey. We're adorable and not to mention, y'know, her daughters? If she's gonna frogify a kid, it's gonna be Julian.
Annabelle: But... but... Alke didn't even take caps of Julian! No one would even know if he was a frog to begin with! Which he probably was. Ugly little kid.

Valerie: Maybe we should turn him into a frog ourselves. Eh?
Annabelle: Agreed. Twin power.

They're such total opposites and yet so very very stereotypical twinny. And that nose is the only thing keeping Ann from being cast in the next zombie blockbuster.

Gretchen: What do you want, honey?
Annabelle: The first tier of Maslow's hierarchy! DAMMIT, WOMAN! DO YOU SPEAK PSYCHOLOGY?!
Gretchen: Use your words, sweetie!
Annabelle: THESE ARE MY WORDS! They're just not yours.
Aida: Parenting~ Be still, my beating heart~

Aida: Now, hold still. This won't hurt. You'll just feel a little tickle, like... hmm...
Gretchen: Like tickling?
Aida: More like a small seizure in your stomach muscles. It's nothing to worry about.

And here's Julian at last! Scarcely froggy at all, and if so, he pulls it of very cutely.

These two grew up and are now cute all over the house at high speed. Annabelle's turned out to be quite academic and helpful around the house, while Valerie is more outdoorsy and generally sweet.

Aida: Sorry to bother you, honey, but I think I may have just gone into labour...
Gretchen: Oh, thank goodness. Here I was thinking babies might not be involved!

She had another girl, little miss Not-Appearing-In-This-Chapter.

And then she went right back to her magic, with a special mission in mind: a gift for a neighbour...

Aida: Here you go~! Just what you asked, no more, no less.
Tash: Thank you so much! I owe you big time.

Tash: I most certainly did not ask for a suspicious orange glow! I hope she gives refunds. ...ah, well, waste not, anyways.

Tash: Delicious, yes... and I do rather like the sparkles... but will it blend?

Tash: Ohhh yes it totally does that feels WONDERFUL!


Tash: Hair! HAIR! I have HAIR again!
Yeah, that too, but mostly PlantSims are a complete pain to play.

Speaking of which, Yarrow poofed into Adulthood! He's a Fortune Sim, I believe. And is rather okay-looking and very planty. So Tash handed off the deed to the store to him and went to eat delicious foods for the first time in years.

Yarrow: What are you?
Burnet: Dude, I'm your bro, dude.
Yarrow: But... how old are you?
Burnet: I dunno. Child-aged, I guess.
Yarrow: ...Fascinating.

Just as advice to Sims with a business: never plonk a Sim with no cashiering Talent into a level 7 business without any kind of help. This happened forty Sim minutes after he opened the store.
Yarrow would be on customers_suck constantly, I know it.

lol gj Aida.

Brandon: YOU. Your neighbour did this. For that you shall die.
Yarrow: I'll accept that, but would you mind paying for your purchases first?
Brandon: Oh sure np.

And that's where things got strange.

Quite strange.

And I realized that something had to be done.

So I 'cured' him, so he can at least use the toilet.

And then I realized that I'd rather not change him back :3 And that I can't for the life of me remember whose IPS replacement I'm using. D'ohhh. Changing the subject now.

...mrp? Whatevs, fix it later.

HAHAHA - well, he did want more attention. Why the hell not.

omg I forgot she was shy~ Watching her seduce him and prevent him from delivering the other two papers on his route was sickening.

Charlie: Ah, I missed you so, my dearest Tash. You missed me, too? That's wonderful to hear. Of course the brats can move back in with you. Back together as in get married? Oh, an open relationship? Darling, you know just the way to my heart. Come and enjoy my warm, manly embrace and then show me your boobs.

Charlie: Sooo... Basil, right? I think it's time for us to talk, man-to-man, just so you know what's happening between your sister and the paper boy. Have you learned anything about flowers in school?
Basil: I can hear everything that happens in your room from here. I'm pretty sure I know more about sex than most of

Jasmine: *flirting away with an offscreen Derek*
Charlie: Just an update: I'm forever proud of you and promise not to call you Jazzle any more.

Oh, how sweet! They're making Charlie's bed for him. I didn't know that was auto-

...yeah I really should have seen that coming love you ACR. Also, holy three bolts, Batman!

Derek: So, uh... are you on birth control or anything?
Jasmine: NooooOOOH SHIT.
Derek: Yeahhhh let's run away together
Jasmine: Sounds bone to me.
Derek: But that's what caused the problem!
Jasmine: Oh, shush.

Derek: Ha ha we had sex in your bed.
Charlie: Why, you- You- I can't say anything without being a total hypocrite, but UP YOURS ANYWAYS! Get out of my house!
Derek: lol k. We were on our way out anyways.
Charlie: Well, good, then! Wait. We?
Basil: You got ooowned.
Charlie: Dammit, this is my least favourite part of the day!

Oh, suck it up, Charlie. We don't even know if Jasmine is pregnant or not. Or how Basil's early education will affect his life choices. Or how Burnet is going to deal with having an adult younger brother if he ever notices or what Tash will do with her skin brown again or see what Not-Appearing-In-This-Chapter looks like. So many questions, left until the next update!

~ Chapter 3 ~

supple what now?

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