haha, you know I'm bored when...

May 20, 2008 00:20

The Strange Questions Survey

Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: no....? I tend to just wipe it on my pants.
What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve date: 3 years
Ever been in a car wreck?: no
Were you popular in high school?: hah, no
Have you ever been on a blind date?: no
Are looks important?: yes, I am embarrasingly superficial.
Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more??: not best friends, but I do still talk to people I knew ten years ago.
By what age would you like to be married?: 25-30
Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them?: yes, to a certain degree.
Have you ever made a mistake?: who hasn't?
Are you a good tipper?: yes. I tend to think so. but it's probably more my poor math skills than any genuine giving haha
What's the most you have spent for a haircut?: 40 dollars
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: yes. haha, Mr. Toto
Have you ever peed in public?: yes, on the side of a Wendy's haha
What song do you want played at your funeral?: Let it Be
Would you tell your parents if you were gay?: if I was, I would, but I'm not, so I wouldn't. haha
What would your last meal be before getting executed?: everything ever
Beatles or Stones?: BEATLES
If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who?: I don't ever want that power.
Beer, wine or hard liquor?: All of the above.
Do you have any phobias?: Cockroaches, small spaces, clowns, and a whole lot more.
What are your plans for the future?: graduate, enjoy life to the fullest, have a job that I love
Do you walk around the house naked?: when alone, yes.
If you were an animal what would you be?: a moose. awkward and lonesome but adorably funny looking haha
Hair color you like on someone you're dating?: it doesn't really matter, it's more the whole package
Would you rather be blind or deaf?: blind, I think. but it's a tough decision
Do you have any special talents?: hah, I wish.
What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?: close the door behind me.
Do you like horror or comedy?: comedy more than horror
Are you missing anyone?: yes
If you weren't straight, what person of the same sex would you do?: scarlet johanson
Where do you want to live when you are old?: LONDON haha
Who is the person you can count on the most?: my family
If you could date any celebrity past or present, who would it be?: Heath Ledger
What did you dream last night?: I don't really remember last night's dream, but a few nights ago I woke up hallucinating that there were bugs all over me.
What is your favorite sport to watch?: basketball or softball.
Are you named after anyone?: no
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?: anything with rum.
Non alcoholic drink?: raspberry lemonade. with lemon particles still in it.
Have you ever been in love?: yes.
Do you sing in the shower?: sometimes.
Have you ever been arrested?: nope.
What is your favorite Holiday?: Christmas. :D
Would you ever get plastic surgery?: no. it's the easy way out, as far as I'm concerned.
Have you ever caught a fish?: yep

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