Sep 21, 2006 16:16
Okay so sometimes I like to fake complain. You know, like the other day I posted a bulletin about how horrible the new GAP commercial was. That was fake complaining. I mean I don't really care about the GAP advertising and I hardly watch tv anymore so I really could care less. While we do live in a free country and we can bitch and complain about whatever we damn well please it really kinda annoys me when people SERIOUSLY complain about how a band sucks or how people are different. Just trivial things. Come on people there are real problems in the world.
Better yet I LOVE it when people are like oh life sux, I'm dying, blah blah blah and you give them advice. A bitter slap of reality. Then they go to "God's House" and suddenly "GOD" helped them not you and your great advice. God did it. Because in case you didnt know, you can sit around and do absolutely nothing and pray and God will fix everything. Yeah, you dont even have to lift a finger.