Jul 19, 2005 10:36

I have to talk about this b/c its killing me not to!!!!!..The following is my opinion on the Half Blood Prince…This is a spoiler Don’t read until you have finished the book!!!!
Feel free to comment…I love to hear what other people think.

I think it's pretty clear that Snape is not actually Evil. JK drops several clues to this.. First, he is very unsettled (twitching and so) when swearing the unbreakable vow to Malfoys mother…he's absolutely not comfortable with swearing to protect him. Second, Dumbledores trust in Snape is unbreaking, right to the end. Dumbledore is positive that he can trust Snape. Dumbledore mentions that it is because Snape had great remorse over James and Lilly’s deaths…yeah…sure..the guy who torchered him at school… Dumbledore is not telling Harry everything. He thinks for a minute that he will tell Harry the truth and then decides to feed him this line of BS…I think that Snapes remorse is actually from Lilly’s death…not at all James’. I think that Snape has already made a previous Unbreakable vow….with Dumbledore…to protect Harry - Lily's son…and that was what gives Dumbledore such undying trust. I also think that this is why Snape is so conflicted when it comes to Harry. He hated his father and loved his mother…Sluggy already mentioned she was an avid poitionist (is that a word?) - Snape must have shared her classes.
I think Dumbledore knew he was going to die…before Snape appeared…even before Malfoy. I think he knew that Snape was more important in the coming battle than he was. Dumbledore already showed he was willing to die for someone he thought was more needed to kill Voldemort. He was way too protective of Harry, not even wanting him to use a drop of blood to get into the cave. At the time of his death, when Snape hesitates, Dumbledore (who we can assume has instructed Snape - as he did Harry- to do what he needed to do to guarantee he was there when Harry needed him) pleads with Snape -- Harry reads his face as "revulsion." But he hadn't pleaded with any other Death Eaters. Not because they couldn't kill him though….because Snape was in with him…Dumbledore stuns Harry so that he cannot interfere with the plan - let his aggression get the best of him…Dumbledore. needs both Snape and Harry to be there in the end. I don’t think Dumbledore was aware that there would be detheaters in the castle…as Snape wasn’t even aware…but I am positive they had something going between them…
Snape stops the death eaters from killing Harry. And in the final battle, Harry calls him a coward once, and Snape sneers. When Harry reminds Snape that he's responsible for his parents' deaths and calls him a coward again, Snape suddenly looks as if he is in pain. "DON'T --" he says -- and then he catches himself, before he finishes as he hears the sentence in his mind, he changes it to "CALL ME COWARD!" suddenly, it's too much for him it isn’t being called coward that bothers him.. it's the reminder of what happened to Lily…
Now…why is it more important for Snape to be there for Harry than Dumbledore?… Horcruxes!! There are six of them, two have been destroyed. It is possible that R.A.B destroyed the third…but Im not sure… which leaves 3 others as mentioned in the book as the cup, the snake and the unknown one….Dumbledore however..i think was very well aware what the last one was…and that was Harry…I think that Voldemort had meant to be some relic from Gryffindor or Ravenclaw….but when he tried to make the last one with Harry’s death, and Lilly interferred, the spell messed up…he killed her and instead of it going into one of those objects…the Horcrux became Harry. That is how he knows parseltongue…that is why he can hear voldemort and he has an identical wand. It explains the prophecy…neither can live while the other survives..” Snape is needed because he is the only other person aware that Harry is the Horcrux. He will be able to get Voldemort to destroy that piece of himself. I’m not sure how this can happen without killing Harry as well unless Harry also creates a horcrux…but he would have to kill and I don’t think he can…It’s possible that Harry will have to perish and Snape may be the one to finish Voldemort. Or Harry may just sacrifice himself…

Does anyone else find it odd that when Dumbledores portrait appeared in the office he never once said anything…even when they were all in there discussing things he would know the answers to?...Is it possible he faked his death?...he mentioned to Malfoy that it was possible to do so…or am I just thinking hopefully…I do have this strange sense that he may return as a ghost…Nearly headless nick told Harry in book 5 that the only way to become one was to decide to do so while they were living…if my theory about Dumbledore knowing his time was coming to an end is correct…he may have decided to do this.
Back to my Horcrux spiel…it is possible that the horcrux isn’t Harry himself, but maybe just his eyes…JK always goes to great lengths to mention how his eyes are his mothers…more than in just passing…then he wouldn’t necessarily have to die…then he could just have cool magic eyes like Mad Eye Moody…LOL…I have also had the thought that it was his scar…the ring that was a horcrux had a crack…maybe the holder of the soul gets damaged somehow…
I Think we have more to hear from Petunia…and Im sure it has something to do with what Dumbledore spoke to them about Harry staying with him even after he is 17…I do hope he gets to go to Godrics Hollow.
I do love that he and Ginny are together…and I respect her for acting as she does at the end when he tells her they must split up…its noble and it tells me she loves him.
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