(no subject)

Mar 21, 2007 01:26

Im at a good place now. I feel like lately i have been learning a lot about myself and all of my friends. I have some great people in my life. I am at the point where i can surround myself with the people i so choose to be with. This isnt high school anymore and my people really are my people. I have looked back and today I reailized i have a good amount of keepers in my life. There are a few people that i dont see as often as i would like though. I can see a few relationships beginning to fade away while a select few are solidifying. These are the people that are important.
Im going to florida in a couple of days with some great people. Although im looking foward to it its becoming very stressful to plan. I hate planning and i want to just go and not worry about it before hand. i guess with 9 people its hard to do though.
I have been accepted once again to new paltz. this time im going. I cannot explain how much i am looking foward to this. This past year has tought me more than any other year in my life. I know i will be happy there but my ambitions are still so much greater. I know that i need to get out of new york. I have always had this feeling that I was created for some big purpose. i need to do something bigger and better. theres a whole world to see while i will remain in the same 100 mile radius. I know i need to do bigger better things with my life. i guess its one step at a time. lately i have the feeling that im moving too slow. I want to do so many things i feel that suffolk is a waste of my time in so many ways.
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