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Jan 10, 2023 07:53

По поиску о правах женщин в РИ нагуглилось:

In this context it is important to note that the laws of the Russian empire did not equally apply to all parts of the country. Even further, in the western and north-western regions, the acts of other European countries were legally binding. They included the 1804 Napoleon Civil Code, the 1896 Civil Code of the German Empire, the 1811 Civil Code of Austrian Empire, the 1863 Saxon Civil Code and others. These laws regulated the lives of the inhabitants of the Polish Kingdom, Bessarabia, the Grand Duchy of Finland, Baltic governorates, Poltava and Chernihiv provinces.

Пишет какая то тетка из ВШЭ, ссылок нету. Что правда чтоли? У кого был чей код? Наполеон у Бессарабии, австрийский в Польше, немецкий наверное в Прибалтике; а в Полтаве то что?
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