Queen Selenity had been missing for several days now. No one knew where she went, and no one knew why. Stories had long since foretold that the time of her senshi was slowly coming to an end and so those of her kingdom thought she was beginning to mourn their loss.
She wasn’t.
She mourned the happiness that might have been and now will never be.
Somehow she had fallen for the ambassador to earth. He wasn’t the best looking man, or the best lover that she could have chosen, but he was genuine as he made her smile. They both knew that nothing could come of it but still allowed themselves this small indulgence.
Everything had suddenly come to a crushing halt once the news reached Queen Serenity. He was dead. An unfortunate accident was what she had been told, but she knew better. She knew that when Sailor Venus went missing that something was wrong.
For the first two days she cried tears of pain, tears of anguish. How could the senshi of love destroy love? The next two days following she had cried herself out and now sat at her window watching the beautiful blue and green orb hanging in the sky.
There was nothing that Selenity could do. She could not come forward with her knowledge lest she risk all out war for what had been done. No, the only thing she could do was end treaty negotiations with the forbidden planet and hope that no one would ever find out her secret. Although soon she would start to show and everyone would wonder who the father was. She had already decided to say that the child was sprung forth by the power of the Silver Crystal, but what would happen if the earthen blood running through her child’s veins prevented her from being able to weld the Silver Crystal? How would she protect her kingdom?
No, she could not allow herself to think about that now. The important thing at that moment was preventing a war. She knew that in a matter of days her senshi would lose their power as their time had as protectors had come to an end and new set of girls was ready to grow into their roles as protectors.
At that moment Queen Selenity vowed that she would make sure that her child would never know the heartbreak that she had come to know. Earth would become off limits for the sake of the kingdom.