the shipping meme

Jun 07, 2010 14:26

Snatched from sunnytyler001 , because for sure I won't be able to do the 30 days stuff everyone else have done/seems to be doing XD
Top 10 Ships Overall
Top 5 Love Triangles/Threesomes
Top 5 Canon Pairings
Top 5 "Not My Favorite, But They're Very Nice Alternate Choices" Ships
Top 5 Cross-Generation Ships
Top 5 "I Just Don't Feel What Everyone Else Is Feeling" Ships
Top 5 "I Hope These Die" Ships
Top 5 Crossover Ships

plus just for fun, I added links to one (or a couple) random favorite of mine related to them (could be a fic, a comm, site, or whatever, with the caveat of if there are any of them in existence) :D

Top 10 Ships Overall
1. Doctor/Rose (DW)
2. Mulder/Scully (X-Files)
3. Peter/Olivia ( Fringe)
4. Arthur/Morgana (Merlin and Arthurian Legends in general)
5. Buffy/Spike (BtVS)
6. Michael/Nikita (La Femme Nikita - TV version)
7. Batman/Catwoman (DC Comics)
8. Robin/Raven (DC Comics)
9. Harry/Hermione (Harry Potter)
10. Castle/Beckett (Castle)

Top 5 Love Triangles/Threesomes
1. Ten/Rose/Master ( Doctor Who)
2. Peeta/Katniss/Gale (Hunger Games)
3. Hermione/Weasley twins (Harry Potter)
4. Arthur/Morgana/Merlin (BBC's Merlin)
5. Kara/Lee/Sam (BSG)

Top 5 Canon Pairings
1. Mulder/Scully (hey, in the end they become canon)
2. Angela/Hodgkins (Bones)
3. Michael/Nikita (LFN)
4. Chuck/Ned (Pushing Daisies)
5. Hiro/Charlie (Heroes) ... They are canon, sort of ... define canon? XD

Top 5 "Not My Favorite, But They're Very Nice Alternate Choices" Ships
1. Rose/Master (DW)
2. Morgana/Merlin (Merlin)
3. Hermione/Draco (Harry Potter)
4. Peter/Astrid (Fringe)
5. Harry/Luna (Harry Potter)

Top 5 Cross-Generation Ships
1. Doctor/Rose (DW)
2. Buffy/Giles (BtVS)
3. Hermione/Sirius,... or Lupin, I can't decide :P  (HP)
4. Uther/Morgana (Merlin)
5. Wolverine/Rogue (X-Men, comics and movies)

Top 5 "I Just Don't Feel What Everyone Else Is Feeling" Ships
1. Gwen/Arthur (Merlin)
2. Sheldon/Penny (TBBT)
3. Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter)
4. Robin/Starfire (Teen Titans)
5. Harry/Ginny (HP)

Top 5 "I Hope These Die" Ships
1. Doctor/Master (DW)
2. Doctor/River (DW)
3. Edward/Bella (Twilight)
4. Batman/Thalia (DC Comics)
5. Beastboy/Raven (Teen Titans)

Top 5 Crossover Ships
1. Buffy/Batman (BtVS/Movieverse Batman)
2. Hermione/Tenth Doctor (HP/DW)
3. Rose Tyler/Peter Bishop (Doctor Who/Fringe)
4. Selphie/Boromir (FFVIII/LoTR)
5. Birkoff/Catwoman (LFN/DC Universe)

The interactive portion of the meme:
Ask any question about any of the above ships - why I ship it, what my favorite scene is, explanation on the links - anything.

doctor/rose, meme, my ships

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