Yes, apologies for being a bit slow in replying to anything, reading stuff and producing them this couple of weeks around, blame my professors and my off again-on again internet connection XD ( for the picture ... )
Thank you, it's just that not everyone who sees this will have read the story and that's rather a major thing so if there's anyone contemplating reading it I'd hate for them to be spoiled on that, you know?
You couldn't edit? Hmmmm. Do you have a paid account? B/c I think maybe only paid accounts can edit comments.
Awww I'm glad you enjoyed it. You'll be happy to know that the sequel is now in development. As soon as my Support Stacie commitments are completed I'll be working on it a lot more.
Ally's icons are incredible. I keep looking at these and wanting squee because they are just so perfect!
Yeah I do have a paid account but for some reason I couldn't get an edit button to appear. Maybe I'm just going blind lol but most likely its my three year old on my lap distracting me. No matter. Very excited to hear of the sequel. Look forward to reading it.
Thank you hon :3 On the edit: it may have something to do with my layout's wonkiness ... I really need to fix them, but so far I'm too lazy to find the time :P
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For some reason I couldn't edit but have just deleted it. I don't want to give the game away either as its such a great story.
So to Ally your icons are wonderful as usual girl.
You couldn't edit? Hmmmm. Do you have a paid account? B/c I think maybe only paid accounts can edit comments.
Awww I'm glad you enjoyed it. You'll be happy to know that the sequel is now in development. As soon as my Support Stacie commitments are completed I'll be working on it a lot more.
Ally's icons are incredible. I keep looking at these and wanting squee because they are just so perfect!
On the edit: it may have something to do with my layout's wonkiness ... I really need to fix them, but so far I'm too lazy to find the time :P
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