Work, EoT and a Meme

Jan 17, 2010 10:36

I'm currently working on processing the database for my first dissertation paper, and it's really mind numbingly boring, but at least it feels like I'm finally getting somewher  with this, so that's sort of okay XD

Of course, as I'm wont to do I like to take my little breaks and procrastinate here on LJ. I still have a huge backlog of flist and fics to read leftover from Christmas/Newyear. I've finally watched EoT. It was ...sufficiently cracky, I guess XD I'm not even about to comment about the "science", and its plotholes.  I still wished there was more to the scene with Rose, but oh well... The Donna resolution actually left me wanting, as it implies (as has also been hammered to us in JE) the over-idealization of 'domestic human life', i.e.  marriage and stuff, and even added "ignorance is bliss" on top of it, too. Plus, they left a lot of things unexplored, like who were the two women? What about Romana?

The fix-it fics and theories I've found so far are marvelous, though :D I particularly like the ones where they switch Ten & TenII in the regeneration, because there's at least a *slight* discrepancy between "I don't want to go", and the counting body parts plus *Geronimo*, and it would make more sense for it to be TenII, or even *Eleven* as a new, fresh entity somehow, but that may be just me :P

Finally, as part of my procrastination regime, I got tagged by effulgent_girl 
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1.  I have almost no sense of direction with streets (or even sufficiently large buildings :P), and quite helpless at reading maps (I'm the type that has to actually turn the map around and around to match the direction to which I'm going)

2. I'm terribly prone to static electricity, to the point to damaging magnetic cards and shocking my friends. Actually it sort of runs in the family, but is sort of strongest in me :P

3. I often use fanfics as a barometer for entering new shows/books/fandoms, instead of start reading fic after getting to know the fandom. Crossover fics with familiar fandoms are particularly useful for this. As a consequence, there are instances where I don't enjoy the actual medium that much, but love the fan creations in it.

4. I can get a little bit obsessed about fanon related food. I heavily experimented with waffles and pancake types for BtVS (since Tara's always making them in fics), got terribly curious about figs, sweetcakes and medieval-sounding food (Robert Jordan and other fantasy books), and tried to find as many british cookies as I can here because of Doctor Who. Thank God I never really gotten into Pushing Daisies XD

5. Similarly to effulgent_girl , I'm a magnet for doomed ships :P

6. I'm slightly less than 5 feet tall, and high European supermarket rack sannoy me sometimes XD

7. The correspondence table between my RL work status and my LJ + artistic output

Real Life WorkWhat you'll likely see on LJ and art-wiseAaaargghh!! The deadline is one week ago, and now I have a gazzilion more things to do stil!Icons, lots of them (They're quick and satisfying to make, requiring minimal higher brain functioning)

or if I was sufficiently crazy, complicated and elaborative original arts, sometimes lots of them XDBusy, Busy, Busy with thinky thinky stuffIcons,  and a smattering of manips (which are more complicated than icons, but still requiring less concentration than actual hand-drawn stuff)Busy, busy, busy with clerical, boring stuffmemes, manips, and hand drawn fanarts, which generally just sort of flows when my mind is on idle (thus the many seminar spawned fanarts)Regular busynessOriginal art, for which I would sit and actually try to do soRather relaxedfew stuff, actually, as I then would just sort of ... lurk, and probably comment on fanfics XD

I tagnonlinearmusing ,teruel_a_witch , itslikenature , lorelaisquared , wiggiemomsi , dashafeather , and mrs_roy 

random, meme, phd is killing me, rl, drwho

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