• Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions
This time from
teruel_a_witch 1. So how come you ended up in Italia? (the whole story *grins*)
I'm actually pursuing my doctoral program here. As to how I ended up doing it here, I applied to several universities in the States and Europe, and my current uni was the first one to reply yes with full scholarship. It's a good university with a strong research program that I liked, and furthermore my family somehow felt more comfortable with me being in Europe as opposed to the States, so here I am :D
2. What languages can you speak?
Indonesian (native) and a couple of its local languages (which is sometimes quite different from the national language), English (sort of proficient), Dutch and Italian (enough for simple pleasantries, asking for directions and buying things XD)
3. What degrees do you have/will have after finishing your studies?
A Bachelor in Electrical Engineering, Masters in Biomedical Engineering and Doctorate in Management and Business Administration. I'm a bit eclectic that way XD
4. What Tv-shows do you watch besides DW and Fringe?
Currently I'm also watching FlashForward, Sanctuary, Stargate Universe, The Big Bang Theory, Dollhouse and Merlin.
My old favorites include BtVS, X-FIles, and La Femme Nikita, and I also love the cartoons like the Teen Titans, JLU, Samurai Jack, and almost all of the old Cartoon Network ones. For some reason I don't really like the new ones.
5. You have all the money you need. What places would you like to visit?
Hmmmm..... fistly I'll visit home more often XD. But new-place wise I guess I'd like to go all around, sort of a family tour thing to historical places around the world.
lorelaisquared 1)How/when did you first begin doing art?
Honestly, I don't remember. I've been drawing (including on my house's walls) for as long as I remembered. My mother always said that when I was little, if she wanted to keep me quiet for long periods of time she'd just hand me a notebook and a pencil and I XD
I remember starting making an effort for it, though, about the time Japanese comics started to come to our country, which was when I was about in fifth grade. I fell in love with Candy Candy, Mari-chan, Sailor Moon, and all of those fancy manga. In fact, you can probably still see the strong influence in my current art.
2)What inspires you most?
Do you mean in creative endeavors or in general?
In creative stuff (copied from another answer, because it's the same question), a lot of things, I guess. I'm generally most enchanted by the symbols and archetypes in mythologies and stories, especially their possibilities had the stories play out differently, or are seen from a different point of view. This is maybe why I love fanfics, especially ones that play with the 'mythology' of its particular world, and my favorite fandoms generally are the ones that has interesting mythologies.
If you see my non-fanart creative endeavors, you would recognize that also that are mostly of a surreal/symbolic nature, although usually I draw them without any general preconception, and if I do, the piece generally just take their own life and something completely different may emerge.
In general life, I'm usually inspired by the people close to me, in most cases my family, to sort of just do my best in whatever I put my hands on.
3)How did you first discover Doctor Who?
For this, I actually took a reverse direction from most people, where I started by stumbling into a Doomsday fix-it fanfic and became curious. I remembered finding the fic from Twisting the Hellmouth, which is a BtVS crossover site, finding other fanfics, and then started watching. So I actually started watching with a strong bias towards Doctor/Rose already. My first episode was The Empty Child and the Doctor Dances, which I thought was brilliant. After that, I started watched sequencially from the beginning, although I wasn't yet sold as a die hard D/R shipper until the "so glad I met you" line. As you may already realized, the ship then proceeded to eat my brain.
4)Who is one of your heroes and why?
At the risk of sounding very cliche, my parents. I don't generally idolise people, especially not ones I don't really know, because welll... usually what is visible to you may not be who they really are, and even if they achieved great things the whole stuff is just a bit too... abstract for me to template in real life. So my heroes are my parents because they're ordinary people who I know keeps their integrity and do their very best for their loved ones day by day, and it's real. *I'll stop here before I get even more sappy :P*
5)What is your dream job?
Part time professor with a small cake shop and part time illustrator? *I want too many things, I know XD*