Fred Fic for Fred Day: Part Two of a Fred/SGA Crossover: "Wonderland"

Feb 27, 2006 04:41

Title: Wonderland
Author: Alizarin
Fandom: Angel, SGA
Rating: PG
Summary:A nice group of people DID in fact rescue Fred from Pylea but their names were John, Rodney, Ronon and Teyla.

Written for the Fred Appreciation Day courtesy of inlovewithnight. UNfinished, UNbeta'ed, etc.

Part 1 Here

Fred ran full-tilt down the marine-colored hallways of Atlantis. She came up short when she hit a solid form and bounced back with a tiny squeal.


“In a hurry?” He asked her, licking his lips and tilting his eyebrow in much the same way Colonel Sheppard did. Fred wondered idly who was imitating whom.

“Yes, actually,” she said, breathless. “I just realized that for sonoluminescence a pulsating bubble is absolutely going to concentrate the ambient acoustic energy density by 12 orders of magnitude so…”

“Yeah, you’d better get that information to McKay right away,” Ronon said and practically ran down the hallway. Fred thought how amazingly fast he was; and so silent on his feet for such a big guy.

Two weeks had passed since her rescue from Pylea and Fred was finding herself feeling strangely at home in Atlantis. She realized she’d never really felt at home anywhere, not even when she really was at home. She’d been an oddity there, an oddity in Los Angeles and well, a lower life form in Pylea. In Atlantis, everyone else was odd enough not to care that her social skills were less than graceful and plus, all the really cool scientists were just as popular as the really cool military people. It was all really, really cool.

Fred was busy at the whiteboard when Rodney came up behind her. She knew it was Rodney because he was always eating and he chewed with his mouth open so that words could still come out.

“Back to the drawing board, eh?” he said, waving a cracker in her general direction.

“Oh yes, you see here, where the minimum bubble radius when the contents have been compressed to their van der Waals hard core, the acceleration is usually going to exceed 10-to-the-eleventh-power-g and a Mega-Bar level shock wave would be emitted into the surrounding fluid, but instead, with the gravity parameters we’re describing here,” Fred pointed and jabbed at the board and Rodney followed each movement as if mesmerized.

“You know,” Rodney said, “In my graduate thesis, I proposed several new ideas on sonoluminescence and what an idiot van der Waals turned out to be, Nobel Prize my ass…”

“Oh. My. God.” Fred dropped the dry-erase marker on the floor and it rolled away under a desk. “Oh. My.”

“What?” Rodney asked, mouth askew. “Is there something on my face? In my teeth? I have these giant incisors that I can’t seem to keep clean, you know -- rawr -- I’m like a tiger or something….”

“You’re that Dr. McKay!”

“Oh. Oh. Yes. There is only one. Hm, there can be only one, if you like pop culture at all, that should make you laugh…”

“Dr. McKay…” Fred was staring and staring and she couldn’t stop herself. She hadn’t realized… her life had been shoveling and hiding and screaming for so long, she had forgotten so much of what had just been a part of her everyday life, she hadn’t remembered how much she’d admired Dr. Rodney McKay, how much his work had influenced her youthful fantasies of a whole new world of possible discoveries.

“Winifred, I told you to call me Rodney,” Rodney was looking over her shoulder at some fixed point in the distance and his fingers were moving in agitation, the cracker splintered and crumbling in his hands.

Fred grabbed his cracker-covered hands and kissed them.

“Don’t… don’t do that!” Rodney practically squeaked, but he didn’t withdraw his hands.

“Dr. McKay, you’re a genius,” Fred breathed. Other scientists in the room were now looking up from their desks to see what was going on.

“Alright, back to work people!” Rodney shouted, reluctantly drawing his hands away from Fred’s lips. “Someone finally recognizes my genius, the least you all can do is get your work done!”

“I mean… Rodney,” Fred said, still several beats behind Rodney’s staccato stream of words.

“Elizabeth, yes?” Rodney tapped his ear, indicating he was being hailed. “Yes, yes, she’s right here, you’ll never guess… I’m sorry, yes? Yes? Oh. I’ll tell her.” Rodney tapped his ear again and then placed his forefinger squarely on his lips. “Good news, I think, Winifred, a data burst just came through the wormhole. Your parents have been located and are frantic for you…”

Fred had disappeared under the Rodney’s desk in an instant. “Oh, here it is. The marker I dropped. Like you said, gotta get back to work, lots to do!”

“McKay,” Sheppard said suddenly as he leaned in the doorway of the lab. He was another one who, like Ronon, could appear and disappear with very little sound. Fred practically wilted in relief. She wasn’t sure how she felt about her life back on earth, her parents, everything -- not at all.

“Colonel,” Dr. McKay snapped, his head whipping around with yet another demand on his immediate attention. Fred found he could be a teensy bit testy with Colonel Sheppard at times. Not to mention his staff. But he was never testy with her.

“We’ve got a problem,” Sheppard said.

“What else is new? Is there any time ever in the history of Atlantis that we don’t have a problem that I alone can fix?”

“Hm.” Sheppard appeared to think hard on that for a moment. “Yes.”

“Whatever. Please state your business so that we may get on with the real business of this mission.”

“Your Nobel prize?”

“Discovery, Colonel, discovery. Something your tiny mind cannot expand enough to comprehend as important as long as you have big bombs and big boobies forever in your line of vision.”

“Big boobies?” Sheppard repeated, pretending to look doubtful.

Rodney sighed and waved him on, impatiently.

“We’ve got to go back to Pylea. Remember Joneh the Genii?”

“Yes, our Genii spy. Quite a handy fellow, as I recall.”

“He’s in danger. He’s on Pylea, he’s found an energy signature, but hasn’t checked in now for three days. We’ve got to check on him and the energy signature.”

“Colonel,” Rodney sighed. “The natives don’t like us. Joneh probably switched sides, again, and we got nowhere last time with that energy signature. Something about their sun throws our computers all out of whack.”

“I think I know where it might be,” Fred said quietly.

“Oh no,” Rodney said. “There’s no way you can go back there.” He looked at her intently. “You don’t want to go back there, right? I don’t want to go back there.”

“If I had you with me, I’d be fine,” Fred said, trying to keep her voice steady, trying not to think too hard about Pylea. “And if you need this Zed thingy, it might be important. Plus, I know where all the prisoners are held and if your friend was captured, well, he’d have his head cut off, but you could give him a proper burial…”

“Oh god,” Rodney said.

“We’re taking the jumper this time,” Sheppard said. “Be ready and at the gate in two hours, McKay. Fred, you sure you want to do this?” John looked her straight in the eye and she appreciated that. He knew what she was thinking; somehow, he understood her better than he would ever let on to the others. She knew he could see her fear; the tiny bit of crazy that reared its head at the very mention of Pylea. He was somehow attuned to crazy, and she wondered what had made him that way.

“Yes,” she answered, looking right back at him. He might know a lot, but she felt she had to at least try to give him reason for doubt.


alizarin's crossovers, alizarin's sga fic, alizarin's angel fic

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