Nathan: "There's a trouble..." in my pants... "in your bed. I think we'd better check it out." That totally sold me on the relationship due diligence. Watching them be happy won't be boring, it will be fun.
Audrey: "What kind of trouble takes my shoes?" She's hilarious. Emily Rose is so adorable.
"You look good as a cop, but still a cop..." Audrey to Duke, showing she is still not immune to his charms or his looks. I like that.
So Vince and Dave are brothers, right? This is established? (It is.) Because DEAR GOD to me they will always be a gay couple. Never moreso in AU Haven, because LOOK AT THEM.
... you killed Vince and Dave! /Southpark reference
Duke just lets Audrey, a random stranger he found walking around in her pajamas, attend a crime scene. Then arrests her based on one blonde strand of hair? Um. What. Haven PD, for the lulz.
Aw. Duke stole Nathan's Han Solo lunch box in third grade! And Dr Nathan is such a cut-up. It's an awesome turn around. It comes across like he's flirting with Duke. :)
Also in a new character venture: Colin Ferguson. Who knew he could be so evil?
WHOA MASSIVE REVELATION. Audrey =&created the troubles. I should have seen that coming but I didn't. Great twist, Haven, stop impressing me with your terrific season.
Duke: "He shot me? Yeah, I'm going to get a bigger gun."
New SyFy show: Helix. January. So okay, I'll be watching SyFy for one. show. only. for a little bit longer. It's Ronald D. Moore, but whatever you felt about the general arc of BSG, you have to admit, his shit is pretty good and it is groundbreaking. It won't reek like Defiance.
Speaking of sci fi (not the channel), I find I don't really like it any more, in the way that I used to. I was half-watching "Man of Steel," and even the parts that were extraterrestrial failed to grab me in any meaningful way. Definitely I know I'm not into essssplosions. They bore the living crap out of me. I was thinking of Blade Runner and the Stargate movie, and things like Fire in the Sky and X-Files. Remember The Abyss? Stuff like that, whether it was because I was younger and more impressionable, was amazing. There's a reason that Farscape was my first fandom. It was the time when I was fully embracing the stuff I loved... the kid that discovered Star Wars and played with a plastic Han Solo and Millennium Falcon.
Now, things are too in-your-face. I'm an Old in that these things just make me tired. Pacific Rim had so many great things going for it, but so many times I just gave up trying to figure out who was bashing who and whether they were under the water or what. It was just a mishmash of BLAM BLAM. It generated no sense of terror or opened any vast vista of possibility beyond the real. (It had other things going for it, tru dat. Idris Elba for one). Somewhat the same for "Man of Steel." Daddy issues, who has the bigger penis, blah blah, fighting in the air, all things meant to excite the adolescent dude in the theater (and I guess the audience in China?) I couldn't get into it.
I could describe the reasons I *liked* "Prometheus", but then I'd be subject to ridicule. And not without reason. But there was an atmosphere of real alien desolation in that. Of discovery and human failing. Even the "Hunger Games" gave good sci fi in the sense of a dystopian future that terrifies you and speaks volumes about current themes. However "Oblivion" for example? Fail. Great set-up, ultimately defaulting to masculine fighting and blowing shit up. By the end twist, I was like "nope, don't care." So many other examples, I could go on, but I'll spare ya.
In short: me no like mish mash of blam blam. That about sums it up.