Things I Do Not Want

Nov 22, 2010 15:04

Let's just call this Alizarin's World of No, okay?

1 - An American version of Skins on MTV. JUST NO. (Link to the Guardian article which says it's not promising at all. Big surprise).

2 - An American - SyFy - version of Being Human. ARG! The Brits always do it better, why would anyone think that SyFy can do it justice? And *cough* calling it an Original Series is so fucking misleading. And yet, I will probably watch at least the first episode.


3 - A MOTHERFUCKING BUFFY FILM REBOOT with zero-Joss Whedon. What. I can't even. Twitter is blowing up about this and it's not positive. I don't know what to think.

4 - The very possibility that Fringe could be canceled. I mean seriously. IS THERE ANY BETTER DRAMA ON REGULAR AMERICAN TV RIGHT NOW? And if someone says Bones I will scream. Because I tried to watch that again the other night and it was so lame. Fringe is truly amazing right now. And so naturally, Fox is screwing with its time slot.

What have you guys got your hate-on for this Monday? *chinhands*

television shows, the twitter is blowing up, being human

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