A Friday Post of Things

Oct 08, 2010 15:34

First, let me dump some ICONS off on y'all.

Second, let me pimp some stuff.

Third, let me tell you that Mr. A chatted up Christina Hendricks from Mad Men last night in his new restaurant. He was very excited to tell her how much he loves the show, and she praised the food to high heaven, so he offered to have her and her husband come into the kitchen sometime for "lessons." It's JOAN, people, so I can't even be jealous except for the fact that I didn't get to meet her and stare at her boobs. She was with a co-star whose name Mr. A didn't know, but kept referring to as "the copy writer" apparently one of the ones who did not go to the new office this season. Okay, that was first.

Sherlock icons:

Merlin icons:


I highly recommend executrix's VampDi ficlet: Bad Puns on the Rise because snarky, fuck-control Damon is joy.

I also highly recommend Senseless by nishi_shinji because it's Sherlock using his senses and John being dominant.

And there's fisticuffs and girl-kissing in this Legend of the Seeker Vid Fire to Our Bed by saltybread (a test vidlet, so it won't take up your day).


KUWDORA's vids are legendary, but this Castle vid rocked my happy socks. Suddenly I See which has that Katie Tunstall song I LOVE, and is excellently edited to portray Castle's Women. All his women. It's gorgeous. You may tear up, or clap or laugh out loud. Do Not Miss. Feedback the vidder!

The end.

vidspam, true stories, merlin, icons, video, chef hubby, recs, sherlock

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