Good Reads

Sep 30, 2010 16:59

These are some really amazing fics by some really amazing writers. Not an extensive or comprehensive list, but a few that struck home with me lately.

AFTERBURN by bird_fic (thirdbird)
I haven't read too many wonderful fics with this pairing, probably it's lack of trying on my part. But THIS fic perfectly captures Jack, the way I like him sometimes, when he IS vulnerable, hurting, afraid. Post-Valiant, he's got issues, oh yeah. I really didn't know where this fic would end up - would Jack forgive the Doctor? Would the Doctor reunite with the Master? Would Martha roll her eyes and kill them both? And it was a most satisfying, amazing read.

DETENTE by libraryofsol
Yes, I will rec a couple of kick-ass Sherlock fics by this author, but for any Haven fans, you will be blown away by this mini-fic featuring Nathan and Duke.

MODERN WARFARE by libraryofsol
Threesome. I know, I know, Mycroft/John/Sherlock isn't what you thought you wanted, but you do, oh yes. You do. Cold showers all 'round.

'They Have an Arrangement' is the accompanying fanart by dauntdraws which is really, really good and NSFW.

SKEWED DATA by libraryofsol is my definite favorite of the many, many awesome Sherlock fics. Neck porn. Spontaneous combustion. Read it.

And back to bird_fic, with a BDSM Sherlock fic that gets inside their heads: BREAKING SHERLOCK and the masterful followup: Aftercare of Your Reluctant Sadist.

Something I've missed that you think I'll like? REC ME. More Sherlock stuff, as I've mentioned, on my Delicious.

sherlock, doctor who, recs

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