True Blood is back.
So Eggs is dead, and not too many people are crying about that character-wise, but we will miss this:
Unfortunately, Tara has not got her mojo back and she is still being a whiny three-year old and this makes me crotchety. I like my angry black woman to also be awesome and not just looney tunes. Luckily, Lafayette, the best cousin a girl could ever have, is there to look out for her. Even though he has two jobs, one of which is to peddle "V" faster than the speed of vampires. Uh oh.
PAM the lesbian vampire is so awesome it hurts.
Goody goody, Bill has been 'pire-napped! And Sookie thinks she ken fahnd heeem. He's mah boyfreend and all. Bill is much sexier when he is not with Sookie. Shirtless and covered in dirt and showing up in Sam's homosexual dream... which features the hottest interaction between him and Bill I HAVE EVER SEEN NOR EVER WILL SEE AGAIN. I was tricked by that dream! Robbed! Please go back to sleep Sam and take that shower!
OH HAI ERIC. Yes, we know you fuck at lightening speed for 6 hours in a row, why is Sookie so surprised? Is it my imagination or is Alexander Skarsgard really hot when he's naked? No? Just me?
I'm excited about there being wolves. And about Jason losing his mojo-blow-go after killing Eggs. I want to see if Sookie will clean and redecorate her grandma's house or just leave it Early Maenad Sacrifice. I want Sam to stumble upon some really bad family secrets. I want Lafayette to slay everyone with his rapier wit and earn the attention he so desires from Eric. I want there to be blood and guts and hot new characters and craziness.
What do you all want? Besides fresh blood.