Today, in Twitter

Jun 09, 2010 16:43

BP Demands Twitter Gadfly More Clearly Label Itself as Parody

Just... stop BP. Stop. You can't win this one, and you're making things worse.

And the fake BP Twitter guy’s name is Stick. Mr. Stick. It’s like Mr. Sockpuppet or something.


After its initial tweet about changing its name, @BPGlobalPR tweeted: "Wait, wait, wait ... I see the confusion here. We need to clarify what BP stands for ... any ideas?" and launched a hashtag #BPrebrand and invited its many followers to submit what they think "BP" should stand for. So far, tweeters have renamed the company with zingers such as Bendover Planet, Bring Papertowels, Broken Promises, Blackened Pelicans and Barely Penitent.

today in twitter, what to expect when you're alive

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