May 16, 2010 00:30

I just read somewhere that Heroes was canceled. I was kind of like, ORLY? Heroes, I hardly remember thee. R.I.P.

Can any you know, LESSONS be learned from the Fall of Heroes? Some sort of "don't get too smug," or "plan out your story better?" type of things?

Also, Flash Forward is canceled but V is not? Excuse me? THAT I do not get. I'm watching both and I have to say that FF is far better than V even though I don't really enjoy watching either one. But there are loads of great guest stars on V, I must say.

I can't process SPN. I can't. Even. Ditto FRINGE. Hi, edge-of-my-seat.

I also heard from my ex that they are making a prequel to Spartacus. ORLY! That could be a winner, yes.

And I've fallen hard for United States of Tara. WHY DID YOU NEVER TELL ME HOW GOOD THIS SHOW WAS? Y'all are sleeping on the job.

television shows

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