My review/thoughts/feelings herein. And if you haven't seen the
Tennant-Barrowman kiss yet, well, what are you waiting for? It's adorable.
I was ENTHRALLED by Children of Earth. I could not wait to get it each night and to lie in bed with my laptop and watch. I was so excited about it once it started up, which is not at all in proportion to how I felt about the show when they killed off Tosh and Owen.
Because I was reaaaally upset by that. I did not want to come back to Torchwood, I wanted to hate the show. But Ianto and Jack were still there, so that helped. But to me, the biggest heartbreak will always and forever be losing Owen and Tosh. I watched "Inside the Hub" and broke down crying all over again, remembering how difficult those last scenes were, and how tragic the character of Owen was in his zombie-state and his not-ready-for-death scene. That was some serious shit.
And then we get CoE, which really is a great piece of television. It is riveting. It will bring in people who have never seen Torchwood and it will make a lot of money for the Beeb and RTD.
But it was depressing as hell, shocking, awful. I mean, it was really awful, in the "why am I watching this?" way. I'm glad I did, and I may watch again, but Seriously. I guess my feeling is that as good as this series was, I miss the regular Torchwood, and I feel cheated. I wanted more. More Owen, more Ianto, more Tosh, more STUFF.
But RTD is thrilled with CoE and he promises that Torchwood Series 4 -- which it looks like there will be one -- will be more of that tone, more arc, no more monster of the week. He said he's likely to cycle characters in and out. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but hey. Let's be real, I'll watch it, I'll discuss it, I'll buy the DVDs.
But I won't be HAPPY. Heh.
And not to belittle Ianto's death - because that was really upsetting. REALLY horrible. I mean, it's IANTO fer chrissakes. And he was being all adorable with his burgeoning love for the Jack. He was starting to get into his role as a gay man, a man in a relationship with another man. That was cool. So, he had to die. Apparently. And I was not overjoyed with Gwen's pregnancy, the sort of hetero-normative nuclear family message there... which has been discussed by others more eloquent and informed than I am, but I will still say this much: I did not like that message. Whether it was intended or not.
I did enjoy Gwen a bit more and I have always found Rhys to be pretty adorable in his average-guy dorkiness. I think he's a fine husband for Gwen, they make a good pair, and I'm glad that CoE showed that.
For Jack, what was sacrificed in the end wasn't Ianto at all, as we come to realize, but himself. He realizes he's THAT GUY, the guy who takes his own grandson out from under his daughter's nose and kills him. And that's what breaks him. And rightly so. Why is he that guy and who made him that way is something that will always intrigue me.
Hope to see you again, Jack Harkness.
And now, on to the good stuff.
This vid by hollywoodgrrl does an absolutely smart and vivid job of pointing the finger at Jack and the darkness that surrounds him.
And these fix, erm FICS will make you feel better:
"Be Prepared" (short) "And Tomorrow" by such_heights A wonderful thing that's a great follow-on.