because I will do any meme, anytime, even if it's unlikely I'll actually follow through on my end...

Feb 25, 2010 14:53

melliyna and
sarken both:

Ask me a question about one of my stories. It can be absolutely anything in any fic and I will tell you the honest-to-god answer. Don't hold back. Anything. Whatever you ask, I will try my best to answer.


Pick one of my stories, and I will tell you the first line of its sequel. Even if I was never actually planning to write a sequel. Even if it already has a sequel -- I'll give you the first line of another version of its sequel!

In other news, self-imposed deadlines are creeping up quickly, and real deadlines are creeping up more so. I need to take the GREs like, yesterday, and I need to distill my brain into 750-1000 words for Columbia. Oh, and did I mention that I have my period AND there's gonna be a foot of snow on the ground by tonight but I'm still working? Yeah. Life sucks all over.

(But at least I have a lovely girlfriend. :D)

writing, meme

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