Porn Battle Almost Over! (Does anything come next?)

Nov 29, 2009 17:20

Just a friendly reminder that the Realnews/Pundits Porn Battle is closing at 8pm EST tomorrow, just a little more than 24 hours from now. Hopefully there's a few stories lurking out there getting their finishing touches! (Or, in my case, actually getting started.)

As my porn-writing muse seems to have abandoned me for warmer climes, I've been wishing that the porn battle had actually been a more general ficathon. So the idea came to me to run a Detox-type challenge here, but I know this is a busy season for writing challenges (Yuletide, secret santas, the like), and I thought I'd gauge interest first. So, a poll.

View poll: #1792

Comments & other thoughts are, as always, welcome below. Thanks!

writing: porn battle, audience participation part of our show, fandom: pundits, poll

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