Holy fuck, what've I gotten myself into...

Aug 30, 2009 12:38

So, when I wasn't writing ridiculously dark, kinky AU fic (which also happens to be the longest story I've ever written, WTMFF) this past week, I was figuring out the money thing (which did NOT involve borrowing it from Mom, tyvm) and am now going back to school. Two nights a week, classes start Wednesday. This...shouldn't be as big a deal as it is, no, but I am, in fact, freaking the fuck out.

You see, I didn't do so well with the applying myself thing the first time around, when it actually counted and cost a fuckload of money and was all I was actually doing at the time. Now, I'll be doing it at alongside a full-time job. Add to that the fact that I can't seem to get off my ass to do things I *want* to do on a day-to-day basis, and you can see where we might have a serious possibility of disaster.

All that said, I'm pretty excited about the classes I'm taking. This semester is Intro to Arts Management and Marketing the Arts, both of which I think'll be pretty cool. I went to the bookstore to find out what books were assigned, and one of the books for the marketing class looked *so* cool that I almost bought it to read this weekend. I'm trying to work out ways to make the work and school thing work to my advantage, thinking about maybe asking my dad or my aunts if I can crash at one of their houses two nights a week (or maybe one and one or something like that...), thinking about whether I'll stay out my lease here or move somewhere closer to school and my friends and family and places I'm more comfortable...

The thing is, when one thing changes, it usually creates this domino effect of change. It's not that I mind change in general, it's just that I don't deal so well with huge avalanches of change. It's been a long time since I've had to deal with one, and so I'm a little worried about what's to come. But, well, I honestly want to do this, so I guess it's time to suck it up and deal with the consequences.

might be a quarterlife crisis, omg school again?!

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