Meme responses, and another meme. Uh, yay? :P

Aug 09, 2009 00:35

Drinking tip: when you have a bottle of valencia orange juice that's a little over a week from its best-by date, the question of "bourbon vs tequila?" No question at all.

So, the other day I posted this meme, and people asked me for Top Fives. And here they are.

jamapanama asked for the top five ways Keith & Rachel break up:

1. They've been sleeping together for about six months before someone finds out -- Keith had wanted to come right out with it, but Rachel was afraid of what it would mean, how people would react. Well, how people react is...they don't. Sure, Bill-O and Glenn have some nasty things to say about curing the gay, and gawker has a field day with how bad a time Keith must be having with the ladies lately, but after a day or two, everyone just moves on.

All Keith can do is watch as Rachel growls and storms her way through the next week before finally calling it off for good.

2. She starts being busy too often, and Keith doesn't let himself think about what she might be doing. When he sees the article in the paper, he can't decide whether to be terrified or relieved. He goes on a weeklong bender, and doesn't say a word.

He thinks she might try to tell him, in the car, at the diner, even once at the ballpark, but he just keeps cutting her off. One night at the end of September, he's coming back from the bathroom when he hears her arguing on the phone: "God, Mom, I'll just sleep on the plane." When she leaves that night, he doesn't say goodbye.

3. He's joking -- he could swear he's joking -- he's pretty sure he's joking -- he's not entirely sure he's joking -- he makes what's supposed to be a joke one night about how small her apartment is, how big his is, hey, why doesn't she just move in with him. She walks out without a word.

4. Bill Wolff comes to him one day after a rundown. "Can't you talk her out of this?" he sighs.

"Out of what?" Keith asks.

"LA," he responds. His eyes widen and he takes a step back as Keith's jaw drops. "She...didn't say anything to you?"

Keith just stands there, his mouth trying to find words his brain doesn't have.

5. (Cheating a little SUE ME.) Door number 3 here. (This, unfortunately, is not one where things all work out in the long run. They do not.)

and the top five cute musicians:

This is not cheating. Ani & Erin & Alanis pretty much go without saying. (Case in point: the fact that I already have multiple pics of them up on my server for use in pretty people memes. LOL) So here, have some pictures.

Here are the five that are not them.

1. Meg Toohey (AKA the musician I made a fool of myself in front of, AKA the girl who, when asked about on the radio by the BFF, I couldn't think of anything I liked about her music besides the fact that she's cute :D:)

2. Jenny Lewis (AKA the girl who made me love twanging guitars)

3. Neko Case (AKA the woman who made me love twanging guitars, LOL)

4. Leisha Hailey (AKA the girl who also acts -- hey, Kate's in this one, too, what a coincidence! :D )

5. Allison Miller (AKA the girl who makes the weirdest, most adorable faces when performing, who I chose because I couldn't bring myself to name Lindsay Lohan as a "musician", and who I'm using as an excuse to post another pic of Erin because look at how damn cute they are were together! :D ) (ignore that keyboard guy to the far left...)

and top five foods (the non-entree version, because I needed to narrow it down somehow, and I could only think of a single main dish, LOL):

1. nachos
2. apple butter
3. chocolate mousse
4. tiramisu
5. honey butter biscuits (though, notsomuch biscuits with honey butter)

bessemerprocess asked for top five craziest things @maddow and @anamariecox never tweeted:

1. Rachel gets the voicemail about 15 minutes before she goes on the air that first night. "So honey," Ana starts loudly and with other voices in the background, "how long did you say you wanted my cock to be again? And did you say clover or tweezer clamps?" The blush won't fade, and the makeup girl has to come back out before Keith introduces her.

2. On Inauguration Night, Melissa talks Rachel into coming back to her hotel room and playing bartender for them all. They wake up the next morning in various states of undress, mini-bottles of alcohol all over the room, and a distinct...herbal smell in the air.

3. The night of the correspondents' dinner, Ana gets Rachel kicked out of her hotel and calls Chris giggling. He suggests they both just come home. (What happens next is something they just don't talk about. At all. Ever.)

4. Ana calls Rachel from a burlesque club, slurring something about how she's always wanted to be a dancer. By the time Rachel arrives, Ana's shirt is already off, her skirt sliding slowly down her hips. Rachel doesn't make it home that night.

5. They can't agree whether the drinking contest was a taunt or a challenge, but either way, Rachel takes Wednesday off and Ana heads up to take her chances. They go to lunch before heading to an out-of-the-way dive bar (because she doesn't trust Rachel neither to mix the drinks nor not to cheat at one of her usual haunts) and tell the bartender to keep 'em coming. They're each allowed a glass of water after three shots, and a karaoke break after nine. When Keith arrives around 6pm (he was the last person Rachel drunk dialed), the bartender begs him to take the giggling, screaming, groping girls off her hands. They spend the cab ride back to his place making out, and Ana grabs his hand and moves it to Rachel's breast without breaking away from her neck. He calls the office, making up something about food poisoning and tipping the driver generously as he watches the girls sway awkwardly to the door, hands in each other's pockets.

There is also, now, of course, another meme going around. Which I will play with because I am a glutton for punishment. (Also, obsessed with sex. But meh, details.)

1. Comment with any character you know I've written [general or in a particular story, I guess...]
2. Receive three bits of trivia about their sexuality: practices, preferences, experiences, fantasies, kinks, etc.
3. Profit!

So, uh, that's it. How's it's going, y'all? Good, I hope.

Aaaaand that's all, folks!


fandom, writing, meme, picspam, lists!

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