Dreamwidth, yay!

May 20, 2009 19:49

Okay. So, I'd set up this Dreamwidth account (
aliya) when they first launched a few weeks ago, and I hadn't figured out what I was going to do with it. One of the reasons I wanted to join in the first place was because of their awesome importer, which allows you to import any LJ-based journal, which allow me to *finally* have all of my journals in one place.

(Well, all the LJ ones, anyway. Let's not get started on the Smith one...or the short-lived Blogspot....or god, Tripod.

And actually, I'm probably going to try to archive all of those at some point, too, because I'm just that nuts. LOL. Anyway.)

Now my only concern is, if I keep crossposting but disable comments on LJ, will all of my LJ friends come use their LJ logins as OpenIDs on Dreamwidth if they want to comment? Or will I just stop getting the (minimal amount of) comments I do now? Because LJ folks, for serious? Dreamwidth is seriously easy, and seriously awesome.

We'll try it without disabling comments for now and see how it goes. But um, at some point that may happen, so don't say you weren't forewarned.

Anyway. There's a lot of life stuff that's happened in the past few weeks (including that drunk post and my finishing my lgbtfest fic) that at some point I hope to post for real about. But I wanted to get this up here and check in and say WHAT UP.

So uh, what up, folk?

(Also, anyone reading this who's already on Dreamwidth and/or has set up their OpenID over there, post your usernames here -- and/or just er, friend me there, LOL -- so that I can start friending! Just think, once you're friended, you can start digging through all of my LJs from 2001.... ;P)


PS. Part of importing everything made me desperately want to go through and clean out my icons hardcore. So um, I need icon community recommendations, folks! Plztobe sharing? :)

ETA 21.45: Yeah, my old Blogger blog is now in Dreamwidth too. It's even got its own tag! Yay. :)

catchup (not catsup hahaha), past/present/future

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