anyone? anyone? bueller??

Feb 04, 2009 22:15

So uh, hello world. I realized I haven't posted in a while about things that aren't either porn battle- related or meme-y goodness, and that's mostly because, um, I don't have much else to say.

I've pretty much spent the last few weeks going to work and coming home and fangirling. I am watching Rachel Maddow a whole lot, and also, sadly, working on a fic about the Famous Lesbians Club of Western MA, which there's about a 50/50 chance will never be seen by anyone outside of the BFF, since I've apparently got this warped sense of boundaries when it comes to RPF. (Me? Boundaries?! Who knew?!?)

(On the other hand, there's also about a 50/50 chance that it will be released into the wild within a few days, since um, I tend to trample on boundaries when I have them.)

I'm also slowly but surely reading a book about Hurricane Katrina, and apparently, watching American Idol. (Thanks(?) to the BFF...who is also to blame for the fic-ing and whatnot. WHATNOT.)

I've had a few Deeper entries in my brain at various moments these past few weeks, but they somehow don't end up getting written. I also have every intention of pulling together a Porn Battle VII recs post, because there were a lot of fucking SMOKIN' hot fics written this battle, and I want to record them for my own posterity's sake more than anything else (LOL). But for that, I have to wait until the site is updated, because there's a lot of fics I wanted to read but lost track of and I want to make sure I catch everything, so uh, there's that. you're caught up. What's new and exciting, flist? I've been traveling and distracted lately, so let me know what's been happening in my absence.


catchup (not catsup hahaha), links

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