okay, peoples.

Jan 24, 2009 01:26

I've decided to be really, REALLY pushy about the porn battle this time around, because there are so many freakin' *legendary* prompts already. There's a little less than 12 hours left to prompt (prompting ends 1.24 @ 1pm Eastern), so go prompt already, will ya?!

Anything you can think of, goes -- and I do mean ANYTHING. People are prompting for politician RPF, pundit RPF, fakenews RPF (which is apparently a thing, who knew?!), and, my favoritest prompt in the known universe, Ellen Page/Rachel Maddow RPF. Icing on the cake of this favoritest prompt? The prompt word is infrastructure. INFRASTRUCTURE, yo. I think the only thing better would be if someone had prompted for fic about the bestest members of the famous lesbians club of Western MA. *points to icon FO' SHIZZ*

If you haven't prompted, get a-prompting, and if you have, go add more!! (You totally can, I won't tell!)


writing, things that really really rock., pornalicious

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