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Jan 02, 2009 15:27

New Year's was pretty great. I rang in the new year tipsy, watching Miley Cyrus with my friends (and a few random people I still barely know). Followed it up with a little drama (to be expected when you get a bunch of women together and drunk), then some Dr Horrible, before pretty much calling it a night. Yesterday Jenna & I got up, walked to Starbucks, came back and talked about Serious Things for a while before heading out to find something to do. We ended up at Barnes & Noble then Burger King for a few while waiting for Yes Man to seat. We had a bit of a disagreement in the interim over something totally unrelated to us and something else only tangentially related to us, then enjoyed the movie before going back to her place to pick up my things and going to get what I swear to god was THE most satisfying Indian food EVAR.

Several people have made comments over the last few days that I'm more positive than like, I had been there for a while, and I agree, and I'm happy about it. As I mentioned in my 2008 wrapup post, one of my tentative New Years resolutions (because I hate New Years resolutions, and really think of them more as guidelines than anything else...) is to be more positive, and so far, so good. I've realized in the past month or so that for all the good steps I made last year (standing up for myself with my family, all the travel I took for both work and personal, my birthday weekend), I was really stuck in a pretty serious rut for most of the year. But the past few months have been pretty great, as a whole, and I'd like for that to continue.

I mean, I still have a huge number of things to work through. I'm a pretty big mess, when everything is said and done, and I'm not saying that I'm going to go out tomorrow and start turning my life upside down. But uh, for the first time in a long time....well, it's January 2nd and I'm still pretty optimistic about what's to come. That's a pretty big step for me, and I'm kind of a fan.

Hope everyone had an awesome new year, and here's hoping for a wonderful year to come.


friends!, jenna-y goodness!, catchup (not catsup hahaha), summary

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