real post: thanksgiving edition.

Nov 27, 2008 22:58

I don't think it's a huge secret that I am NOT a fan of the holiday season (or holidays overall, for that matter). I don't like the family stuff, and I don't like the drama, and I have a lot of bad memories and associations with this time of year overall. But of course, Thanksgiving is a day of giving slaps thanks, and so, in the spirit of trying to not be quite such as big a scrooge as I know I can be during this time of year, here are the things I am grateful for.

I am grateful for the roof over my head, the food on my table, and the air in my lungs. There are so many people who don't have even one of those, that to have all three is a blessing.

I am grateful for my mind and my memory and my body and my health. I probably do the worst job of showing this gratitude, and they each take turns annoying the crap out of me. .....There was supposed to be a but, there, but all I can come up with is that I'm grateful that they're all still here, LOL. So there's that.

I am grateful for my family. No matter how crazy my blood may drive me, I am thankful that they're alive, and healthy, and for their love. But I'm just as thankful for my non-blood (if not more so), because they support me and love me and keep me sane. (Uh, as sane as I could ever claim to be, anyway.)

I am grateful for my friends. Each and every one of you out there, both reading this and not, I am grateful that you love me and believe in me. I wouldn't be half the person I am without you, and I owe you my life.

I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving, filled with awesome food and loving family.

And now, in carrying on the holiday spirit, I will go drink myself to sleep. :D

holidays, thank you

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