
Aug 30, 2008 02:02

I don't care how much it dates me, or how lame it is. But I've spent the night watching Dawson's Creek, and oh MAN, I'd forgotten how much I love this freakin' show.

(Well, Pacey. How much I love Pacey.)

I only have season 3, but um, that's the GOOD season, so it all works out. So um, there are new icons. Because yeah, I am just *that* lame.

In other news, I'm newly reobsessed with Company, thanks to my library's new DVD releases section. Apparently the PBS special that got me all infatuated in the first place (over six months ago now? Jesus...) is out on DVD now, and my library had it. And so I checked it out, and so I've watched it *four* times in the last two days. No, seriously. I worked from home yesterday and so I ended up watching it constantly. Because it's freakin' awesome, and it kinda keeps me up at night. So uh, there's that.

Other than that, I have family stuff tomorrow and Sunday, so my Labor Day weekend's going to be more angst than relaxation. W00t?

And finally, I'm rediscovering things I've written in the past, and I'm kind of enamored by some of the imagery I'm capable of. That's....not really a good thing. But it's getting there.

And it's making me wanna write Pacey/Joey fic. So on that note... :P


fandom, gip, random

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