Fic: Bored at Brunch (Gossip Girl, Serena/Chuck, NC-17)

Aug 24, 2008 23:25

Title: Bored at Brunch
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Pairing Serena/Chuck
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1000
Summary: "Patience, dear S. Let's get somewhere with a little more to interest the youth of America than the ballroom at the Plaza."
Notes: Set pre-series and originally written for gossipgirlanon (prompt: boredom, pre-series; posted here), though this has been cleaned up since. Unbetaed; feedback craved more than chocolate.

It was a ridiculously tame party, by their standards. No one left bruised or bleeding, and there were no drunken outbursts or inappropriate displays of skin. So it went without saying that Chuck was bored out of his skull. Nathaniel was, predictably, sitting with Blair's head on his shoulder, and the two of them were probably murmuring sweet nothings to each other. Serena would stop by every so often, giggling and whispering, the two of them likely gossiping about how cute Nate looked and...oh, god, he was putting himself to sleep just thinking about it.

He made his way over to where Serena was talking to Blair's mom after watching her finish her third bellini in about ten minutes. "Excuse me, Ms. Waldorf, but could I steal Serena for just a moment?"

(God, he must be bored if he was keeping an eye out for the Upper East Side's latest golden girl.)

He murmured their regrets and pulled Serena into the hallway. "Chuck, what do you want?" Serena asked a little too loudly.

"Patience, dear S. Let's get somewhere with a little more to interest the youth of America than the ballroom at the Plaza."

Serena tripped over her feet a few steps - the It girl falls at last! -- before nodding her head. He took her up to his suite, the latest in the series of hotel rooms Bart had dragged him to and called 'home', and she settled in on the couch. Chuck turned on the tv, grabbed a bottle of champagne from the bar and took a seat next to her. "We could watch the party from here, if you want. I bribed a security guard to wire the closed-circuit feed through the tv."

"If I know you, Chuck, that's about the only way you'll even look at the help," she laughed, nodding. "Actually, I can't think of a better way to entertain ourselves than watching our parents and their friends fawn over each other."

They sat there for about an hour, passing the champagne between them and pointing out adults they particularly hated in compromising situations. Serena made herself comfortable a little bit at a time, her head finally settling in Chuck's lap while he kept an eye on his best friend. He grew so engrossed in making sure Nate was taken care of that it took him a few minutes to realize that Serena had finished the bottle and was sitting up, facing him expectantly.



"I'm bored," she declared, then kissed him.

He was stunned for a moment but recovered quickly, taking control of the kiss, parting her lips surely with his tongue. They kissed for a while before he dared to move his hand to her thigh, expecting her to clamp down and crush it (him) any second. She didn't, though, and he danced his fingers along and under the hem of her dress.

She pulled away and unzipped, pulling the sheath over her head and tossing it at the tv, eyes shining. The lacy black of her underwear against her pale skin was almost too much for him, and it was a relief when she moved her hands to his zipper and quickly pushed his pants down. He turned to lay back against the arm of the couch, pulling her with him, and she laughed as she tumbled on top of him. Her hand fell on his thigh, and she stopped giggling and stroked him once. His eyes rolled almost all the way back into his head and he groaned as he felt her shift in his lap.

Serena slid down onto him. His mind could process nothing but ohmygodunnngh as he tried to stay still and let her open to him. It only took a few seconds before she began to move steadily but slowly, burying her head in his shoulder. He grabbed her hips, pulling her down a little harder, and he felt more than heard her moan as he began to thrust upwards to meet her. He dragged his teeth along her shoulder, teasing as he moved his left hand to her clit and circled widely. Her pussy clenched as she threw her head back, and he bit down hard as she screamed and came around him.

It was everything he could do to keep himself from coming right then, but he slowed down, still moving her above him. Once her breath had settled some, he leaned up and kissed her, pushing forward until she was on her back. He began to speed up again, the new angle clenching her tighter around him. She lifted her heels around his waist and pulled him deeper, and it was only a few more thrusts before he gave in and came as well, jerking into her messily as she leaned up and swallowed his scream with a kiss.

He collapsed onto her, and he pulled the blanket he kept on the couch over them (he'd have to have it washed again before the next time Nathaniel stayed over). They lay there wordlessly for a long time, but he eventually pushed himself up until he was sitting beside her. They both surveyed the mess around them, then she stood and began to dress silently, unwilling to let him catch her eye.

He rose and begun to dress himself as he caught a glimpse of the party out of the corner of his eye. It was dying down, people would be looking for them soon (he was actually a little surprised Nate hadn't come looking for him -- and some herbal refreshment -- sooner). They both collected themselves, and Chuck was just zipping back up as Serena leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, Chuck, that was, uh, fun," she said, already halfway out the door.

fandom, writing, fic: gossip girl, pornalicious

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