This was supposed to be a quiet night, full of movies and writing and journalling about the most perfect day ever. Instead I get a phone call from my stepfather (...god, I hate that word, but it's better than "mom's husband", I guess...) as I'm paying for my lunch/dinner telling me that my mom's in the ER with what may be appendicitis but probably isn't.
Turns out my mom got a really bad urinary tract infection that combined with or irritated something else, and so she was admitted to the hospital a little while ago. So I spent the night first at mom's, taking care of the dog and gathering stuff for her while they waited to find out what was happening, then at the hospital, watching my mom lie in a hospital bed.
She's going to be fine, but for the love of all that is holy, why is it that my life seems to be so immediately equal when it comes to karma? Do I really have to have *such* a traumatic day so soon after what could seriously be categorized as the best day ever? And this isn't me being like, a drama queen -- this seriously happens ALL the time. Good things are immediately followed by bad. And I'm kind of at the point where I dread good days, because it means there's now another shoe, and it's about to drop any second. And it fucking SUCKS.
(Also, I guess I'll now be spending pretty much my whole weekend at the hospital. Which also fucking SUCKS.)
Totally ETA:
.....Okay, so
that's SERIOUSLY the end of Dr. Horrible?! I watched all the credits cause I was hoping for a coda. I don't know how I feel about this. On the one hand, what's there's freakin' awesome. On the other....that's it?!