We now interrupt our regularly scheduled program....

Jul 15, 2008 20:56

I had intended over the weekend to make a fangirling post about a number of pop culture items that are currently earning my infatuation, but then Dr. Horrible launched, and all I have to say is:

Joss, I love you.

I will actually spend the $4 for this -- even though I can watch the whole thing for free here!! (and so can you!!!) -- to keep it and woobie it forever because it is just that good. So you should watch it and see what I'm talking about.


PS. I'm apparently on a Gossip Girl porn kick. As in, writing it. I've written two stories for the Anonymous Kink Meme, and I've got a third a'brewing. Weirdest part? All het fic. Yeah, I don't even know what.

Anyway, if you're interested, I'll share, but since it's supposed to be anonymous and whatever, I'm not actually posting here. At least, not for a long while. ;)

fandom, things that really really rock., pornalicious

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