Wow, okay, so I'm behind.

Jul 06, 2008 22:07

First things first. I was reminded this weekend that I never actually revealed the something really cool that happened at work a few weeks ago, so I will announce now that I did, in fact, get my promotion. It's all official-like and everything. (I'll finally have real business cards, w00t!!) I've been really like, reticent to tell people about it, for some reason, mostly because I don't know what it actually *means* yet, like, how it changes what I do, what I'll do going forward, but I guess that since it's official I should just go ahead and announce once and for all. So here I am, announcing. Yay?

I feel like I should go all the way back in time and talk about Pride, but I'm not going to. It was good, it was torrential downpoury and everyone got soaked, but then there was some ungoodness towards the end of the day that I'd rather not relive, so I'm going to just pretend like I already talked about it and leave it at that. So I guess that just leaves us with this weekend, which was pretty much really good as a whole. Friday was Sonic Youth at Battery Park, which was really nice, although we like, didn't know three-quarters of the songs and ultimately actually barely ended up paying attention to the concert. We were like, superfar away, and it kept like, kind of raining and then stopping, and we ended up kind of just talking the whole time, which was really nice though. So even though it seemed a little like a waste of a concert, we kind of just let the music wash over us, which was pretty much perfection for July 4th. And then Jenna and I headed back to my house, where I got really, really tired really retardedly early, and ended up falling asleep while I finally introduced her to the brilliance of Newsradio, and once we got through the ( previously embedded) "space prostitute" episode, we headed to bed at some obscenely early hour. (No, seriously, we were in bed by like, midnight.)

And then yesterday we got up and watched My Boys (which she liked! I am vindicated, LOL) and then headed out to my dad's for a barbecue with him and Sue and their friend Nell. Which was really, really nice. I was really like, nervous at the prospect of introducing Jenna to my dad, because my family can be really super judgmental and I had NO idea what they were going to think of her, but everyone was lovely, and it was just kind of a really great night. Dad was in a nostalgic mood, and Nell was actually partly there to interview him and Sue for this special ed class she's taking, so we ended up hearing stories about how he got into teaching, and his first jobs, and it was just really nice. PLUS, Sue is currently fostering kittens, so we got to spend a few minutes with three of the cutest kitties ever. All of whom were too shy to actually pet, but hey, watching them play is good enough for me. And then I drove Jenna through Greenwich (where we got stuck in firework traffic, ugh) before putting her back on the train, which was sad but she needed to get home, so.

Today I woke up and was debating just sitting around in my (newly cleaned for company!) apartment, but I decided my laundry needs were too great and besides, my mom wasn't supposed to be home anyway. So I headed off to Mom's and mostly finished watching season 1 of Mad Men on AMC On Demand (which is free, who knew?!). I had ravioli with them when they got home and then collected my things and headed back here.

I was considering working from home tomorrow but I'm thinking instead I'll just go to bed early and head into the office. I can work from home Tuesday, instead, which might be better cause tomorrow'll (hopefully) be pretty quiet cause of the holiday. So tomorrow I can focus in the office, then stay home Tuesday when things are winding back up. I have documentation to write, plus my boss asked me to write a document on webcasting same as I did on podcasting a few months back, so there's a lot of writing to do (surprisingly enough). And the next few weeks are gonna be busy personally and workwise, and then I'm supposed to be going to Florida for a few days, and then Sam's supposed to be coming here for a few days, and then before you know it it's fall and I still don't have a trip planned for my birthday and I end up having the same problems escaping my mom for my birthday as I have every other year since college.....

Anyway. This got really long so I'm gonna call it a night. What up, flist? Long time, no see....


PS. I meant to mention that I signed up for this listography thing, so you can now see a bunch of lists of things pertaining to me and my life. Um, you should join too so we can all be friends and comment on our life goals and whatnot! It could be fun, I dunno, dude. Whatevs. Anyway, nite!

nyc, jenna-y goodness!, catchup (not catsup hahaha), holidays, random, work

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