Because I'm considering spamming y'all tonight for the hell of it.

Jun 27, 2008 17:22

Two memes from thefridayfive:

Theme: International Travel
1. You have the summer and plenty of money to travel abroad. Where all would you go?
All summer? I'd travel around France, take a train trip through Italy, then leave via London.

2. What foods would you be sure you got to eat?
Don't care -- actual regional food, though, probably. And wine.

3. What landmarks would you be sure you got to see?
I'm not really a landmark kind of gal....but probably, well, Paris. And Rome.

4. What airline would you use?
No idea -- Virgin Atlantic? Air France? How the heck would I know that....

5. Would your knowledge of other languages influence where you went? (i.e. would you be more likely to go to France if you spoke French)

Theme: USA Road Trip

1. Who would you take with you on a road trip?
Pretty much anyone who would wanna go. Definitely my Linds!!

2. What states would you visit?
If I have the summer and plenty of money? All of them. (Well, the continental 48, anyway.)

3. What national parks and/or monuments would you go see?
Joshua Tree, Yellowstone, Santa Fe, I'd drive down the PCH, go to Berkeley, Austin, see the biggest ball of twine or something....I'd just kind of drive and see what happened.

4. Las Vegas: Overrated or a Must-See?
A must drive-through. I'd want to see it, but not really stay there at all.

5. How long would you be gone?
Um, all summer.



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