i bet this will disappoint you. i would apologize, but it's my journal, dammit.

Dec 23, 2007 00:53

first things first: juno is fucking AWESOME. the dialogue's a little more stylized than i would've liked, but it's a mood piece, and you totally get into it quickly, so it's all good. also, ellen page is fucking HOTTTT. like, hot like fire hot. it's probably not a very good thing that i find her as attractive as i do, since she's about, five years old, but i do. regardless, see this movie. finally, there's a character named tino. (how is there no wikipedia article for tino?! wtf?!) i'm just sayin'. if you were on the fence? see it. if you weren't even thinking about it? see it. if you know nothing about it? that's okay: SEE IT. it's freakin' awesome. i'll see it five more times, and then i'll see it five more after that.

also, its soundtrack? PERFECT. it's been on constant repeat for at least the last three days, and the songs still keep getting stuck in my head. personal favorites: sonic youth covering the carpenters' "superstar" and the film version of "anyone else but you". i would upload it, but my internet isn't THAT good right now, and also something that brings me to my next point....

what's up with lj going down for maintenance when i FINALLY have the chance to write an entry? what's up with that?? also, you would think that, what with lj no longer being owned by six apart, the status URLs would no longer redirect to six apart sites. BUT THEY DO. so that pretty much sucks balls.

what else do i have to talk about.....let's see. tonight was our family holiday party, the one we have every year, the one that's generally the only moment of sanity i get to have in the course of the holiday season. it was nice, my aunties bought tickets for us to go see sunday in the park with george, which will be my first sondheim (live -- of course i've seen west side story and gypsy, as a musical film "scholar"), and apparently it's a significant show to them, like, they've been waiting 20 years to see it cause it's susie's favorite musical? so that's like, super awesome that they're bringing me along. and then your usual assortment of random trinkets and baubles, since it's gifting completely devoid of lists and having to come from actual creativity, which is really lovely, actually. (man, what a hypocrite: i love getting gifts from out of nowhere, but i hate having to give them. oh, well.)

other brief headlines: i'm considering writing essays to submit to a few essay anthologies that i happened to see online. my boss bought me a $50 gift and i didn't get him one at all, and i don't know if i should now get him something or what. my boss wants me to get a mentor at work, and i'm freaking out at the idea of having a moderately personally intimate relationship with someone i work with. i'm pissed at my grandmother for having completely fucked over my holiday by deciding AFTER our plans were already made that she's doing her xmas on xmas day, NOT xmas eve like she has the last 26 years, which means that now i won't see her for xmas because my dad's already called xmas day. finally found 12-packs of jones root beer, and on sale for $2/case, which is totally awesome. about 95% sure i'm leaving the blockbuster mail order dvd thing this month because they're jacking up the prices after having already limited the number of in-store exchanges you can get for free (which is basically the only reason i was with them and not netflix in the first place); also, because the last two dvds i've returned to the store in the hopes of having a new dvd ship the next day haven't been checked in yet, so they're going to actually get here SLOWER than if i'd just mailed them my damn self. considering going to therapy to deal with the whole ex-prodigy thing, not to mention my inability to deal with people and whatnot. my mom got a real tree for the first time in a long time, and it just seems too weird. am i the only person who wants to either maintain ALL traditions or just get rid of the holiday all together? why is there an in-between??

(haha, that was not so brief.)

finally, yay, fandom meme getting responses! i will probably not respond until morning, but yay nonetheless. feel free to keep prompting with fandoms!! all will receive responses! (eventually! LOL) and on that note (and with lj apparently being back up now), i'm off.

mwahs! and love. if i don't post again before, happy xmas to those who celebrate (and happy tuesday to hose who don't, heh.)

holidays, film, family, work, disjointed ramblings

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