you know, if i had a blog, this would be a really big day for me.

Nov 13, 2007 00:02

(because there aren't enough chuck references around, and this one was too good to pass up.)

veronica mars season 3 is on sale at target for $39.99 this week, and if i'm lucky, i'll be able to go out and get it for myself tomorrow night. WHICH MEANS. that maybe the lack of new tv won't hurt quite so quickly, since i'll be able to fall for logan all over again.

it'd be better if i could get my hands on an actual target circular and go get it for $36 at best buy, though. so anyone with an actual target circular, give it here.

i am typing this from lovely detroit, where i've been since about 5pm today, and where i've seen the inside of renaissance center and....nope, pretty much that's it. admittedly, the inside of renaissance center is *very* nice. but it's still like, one big building complex, so there's that. also, i have no idea where the office is. not true. i know where it is, i just don't know if it's walkable or not. normally i'd say no problem, but not only do i have my laptop bag, but a big, pretty heavy suitcase to pull along with me. which will also need to be pulled with me all the way through the airport later on that day. so there's that.

and my great-aunt died and my mom's heartbroken and guilt-ridden. she had had a stroke a while ago, and her orders said no extraordinary measures, including feeding tubes, to prolong her life, and my mom is her healthcare proxy, so she was the one who had to decide to abide by her wishes and basically help her starve to death. which i'm really, really proud of my mom for, because it's what was right, and it's what aunt mary wanted, even if she might not have realized exactly what she was asking to have happen to her when she asked for it. but so she died on sunday, and the funeral's wednesday, and my mom's a wreck. so there's that.

and i FINALLY got to watch this week's 30 rock, and i bet it would've been WAY funnier had i not already been spoiled about the whole cameo thing. as it was, it was still really good, but still. also, if i haven't mentioned it recently, tina fey is hot. i'm just sayin'.

and that's it! because i was going to go to bed early but now obviously i'm totally not!

mwahs and hugs.

ps. did anyone else get royally freaked out the first time the tags box at the bottom of the post an entry page filled in itself? no? just me? awesome.

TETA: more interview requests, please!!! also: southland tales is finally out this week!!! let's all go see it and see how bad it sucks. :P


r.i.p., random, tv, work

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